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"You're staying."

Fwega's mouth opened to retaliate, but he shook his head firmly.

"Do you have a jetpack? You're staying."

Fwega rolled her eyes like an insufferable teenager, turning her back to him. He huffed and turned her around by her shoulders, the frog couple watching them while the child sat next to them.

"You almost drowned, I think you deserve a break."

"You deserve a break to." She was quick to answer, winding her arms around his neck and smiling, her eyes gleaming with a certain-

"Here's a comm," Mando interrupted her seductive stare, pushing her so she was an arm's length away. He handed her a small cylindrical radio and pulled her in for one last hug before departing out the way he came.

Fwega turned to the frog couple and sat down across from them, setting her hands on the table and her chin on her hands. She gazed at the child as it admired the eggs, his little hand touching the glass. The frog lady turned to her and she gave her her hand, webbed fingers pressing Fwega's palm to the cool glass backpack. They both looked at her and she beamed, murmuring to the child.

A bang sounded throughout the apartment and Fwega immediately shoved the backpack towards the frog man, pushing the two of them under the table before grabbing the child and hiding behind a bookshelf.

Footsteps echoed throughout the room and Fwega's hand fell on her gun. It was silent except for their labored breathing.

Fwega sucked in a breath and peered out from behind the shelf, ducking back and shrieking as someone shot at her. The edge of the shelf next to her smoked slightly, a singe mark apparent in the synthetic wood.

"Mando!" Fwega whispered into the comm, leaving it open as she peered around the shelf and fired her blaster at the rogue mon calamari, who fired back at her in return.

"Fwega? What's happening-" he grunted as he himself was shot at.

Their actions mirrored each other's, trying to peek around their respective hiding places to shoot at their aggressors. Both of their comms fell silent as they concentrated on not dying.

Fwega threw herself out into the open and scored a hit to her attacker's side, the mon calamari retreating back out the entrance once he discovered the severity of his injury.

She stood there for a moment, her blaster still raised, huffing in deep breaths like she had resurfaced once again.

The frog people peeked out from behind the table and she grabbed the child, who was right where she had left him behind the bookshelf. She drew closer to the couple, them taking one hand with each of their own.

"I can't stay here. What if more come?"

The comm fuzzed back in and Mando's voice was heard. "Fwega?! Fwega!"

A small "Focus on the task," was heard but he quickly shushed the mandalorian behind him, the comm still silent, which worried the hell out of the Mandalorian.

"Mando, I'm fine. Hurry back will you?" Fwega set the comm back into her pocket, leaning down so she was on her knees in front of the frog people.

They look at her and shook their heads in an answer to her query, one word, one feeling, rising above them all.



Alright! Almost time for the next chapter!! I'm super excited!

Hope you enjoyed!!

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