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A soft knock came from the other side of my door and through the dazed fog of sleep I thought it was a dream. The knock got louder and I broke through the fog and slowly got up, rubbing the sleep from my eyes.

I felt like I should warn the person on the other side that I was coming but I was too tired, so I stayed silent and so did they.

until I opened the door and saw it was Killian. As soon as the door began to swing open he was talking.

"Hey sunshine!" He smirked and pushed his way into my room. I was going to complain and tell him to go away because not only is he waking me up but also Verity, on second thought she wasn't in her bed and I assumed she was with Osiris.

"Why are you here? Go away." I felt the need to be blunt with him since I wasn't much of a morning person.

"A girl died on campus last night." His words stung me.

"Fuck..." I whispered not really knowing what I should say. I looked over at Veritys bed and frantically glanced back up at Killian.

"No one you know." He said and sat beside me on my bed. The cool air from the open window rolled in and over us.

"Oh." Was all I said. Was all I could say. I didn't know how to feel. I didn't know her so the news didn't sting so much anymore. I wasn't feeling particularly unsafe or anything.

"So why did you come over?" I asked and his eyes left the ground and met mine.

"School is postponed for a few days, I figured you would be free to hang out."

I rolled my eyes and gaped at him. "Your using this girls death to force my to hang out with you?"

He suddenly changed the subject and said, "If you want to cry or anything, I'm here for you."

I rolled my eyes at him once again and faced the door. "No I don't want to cry, I want to go back to sleep." I held my hand out to face the door.

Instead of stepping out of the door like I was suggesting, he closed it. The room was dark except the dim lights coming from outside and the beginnings of a sunrise.

Killian's hands reached out for me and I avoided them. "You may think your being mysterious and sensual right now but you would be wrong, I'm tired, and I want to go to sleep, so you need to leave."

Killian reached for me once again and I stood still not willing to go through all the trouble of trying to dodge him.

"What if I don't want to have sex, what if I just want to lay down?" His hands rubbed my arms and made their way to my neck.

"I don't know about you but I'm going to sleep alone, so you should go." My voice was low as he kept his face close to mine.

"And don't touch me." I snapped out of the alluring moment and slapped away his warm hands from my neck. He only leaned closer in response. In that short moment even if I didn't want to admit it. I thought about kissing him.

Bright light burst into the room as the door opened. Verity and Osiris walked in kissing as usual, it wasn't a deep kiss so they weren't distracted enough to not notice Killians proximity to me.

"Whoa..." Both Verity and Osiris said when they took in our positions. I blushed and turned away from Killian, taking him by the arm and pushing him out into the hallway.

"That was nice." Killian complemented simply and I shook my head. "Your ridiculous."

I stepped back into my room and sat on my bed. Osiris and Verity sat on her bed while Verity had a wide smile glued to her face.

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