Finding Answers

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As soon as I got into Riane's house I asked about Ralph but she's got no idea where he is. This is a very big problem. It's not just about Ralph missing but it's also the book. How will I explain this to Pat? And then that gave me an idea. Maybe he is in the bookstore.

I went there as fast as I could and saw that the there is a different guy at the store but even so I went to him to ask about Ralph. The guy was about his early twenties so I'm guessing this is Pat's son or nephew.

As was heading for the counter he asked. "What can I help you with?" He asked politely.

"Well I was hoping you could help me find Pat."

"What about my father?" He said. Aha! Told you he's his son.

"Well you see there is this book that he let me borrow and told me I could ask him about it when I want to."

"Well that's strange." He said rubbing his head. "Usuallyhe isn't very friendly to his customers. What book did he let you borrow?"

"It's wntitled The Unforseen Creatures of the forest."

"Oh" he said as if he was shocked and told me that his dad was in the stock room.

Once I was inside, it was dark and there were piles of books neatly laid on the floor and some are on the shelves. I noticed that there was a faint light behind the shelves so I walked through the books and a little more further, I saw Pat. He was sitting on a couch which looked old but still looks well managed. He was talking with someone and I saw that it was Ralph.

Naturally I would like to go straight to them but it seems that they are in a very serious conversation so I just listened.

" your saying you've seen the lady of the forest already?" Said Ralph.

"Well I'm not sure that particular lady whose got you was the one but they're practically the same."

"I don't understand." He asked

"You see in every forest, they each have a guardian and sometimes they just can't keep their businesses to themselves." He paused, leaving a sad and angry look on his face. After clearing his face from those emotions he continued. "And so they hunt."

Hearing that brought shivers down to my spine.

"What do they hunt then?" Asked Ralph.

"Guys like you, young men..." He trailed of as if to remember something.

Now that explajns it. No wonder, Ralph isn't just some guy. Most girls or even women would always look at him in awe appreciating his beauty. Even our teachers would complement him saying what a fine young man he'd turn out. That is why he is easilly the favorite and he isn't just looks I tell you he's all you could ever wish for. Perfect.

"How'd you know about this?" Asked Ralph.

"I'm sure you read the book. The man captive in the story was my brother."

Now that Pat mentioned it, I've not been able to read the book fully. Surely I'll have to read it later. And I'll have a lot of questions to Ralph.

"Did you ever find him?" Ralph asked.

"I did not but I have saught help from an oracle. We had mountain climbing as a hobby back then so we knew a house there deep in the woods which have been said as forbidden. We've never seen it but as I was finding my brother in the forest I saw that house with a man in a black  cloak peeking out of his window, as if he knew something. It was the oracle. His door was opened wide as an invitation to come in. It's amazing how he knew what had happened to my brother. He said that my brother may still be alive but there wasn't a sure way how to get him back. Now your case is different, you are actually able to get out, at least your spirit."

Hearing that was a total shock to me. So this means Ralph is actually alive all along? Why it's impossible. But then again things like this happening to me right now may seem impossible as well but it isn't. Well possible or not this is something to be happy about. No matter what we've got to get him back.

"So you mean to say I'm actually still alive?" There was a look of shock and relief in his eyes.

"Well yes, there is a great possibility. Well I am not that sure since your spirit is out of your body."

"Well I'll just think that I am. So Pat, can I know where to find the oracle?"

"There is this mountain called Mt. Tabar. Once you get there look at the last page of the book, you'll see an image of a compass there. It will lead you to the oracle since that book belongs to him."

After that, Ralph said his thanks and went dirrectly to where I was hiding. You can now get out you know, he said teasingly. I blushed at being caught eavesdropping and so I emerged from where I was hiding and said my hi's and goodbye's to Pat. After that he handed me the book and we walked out thanking him.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2016 ⏰

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