The Premonitions

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"...but it can't be?" Riane's face was all spaced out. She might have seen a premonition, her talent must be at work.

The moment she snapped back I immediately asked her about it.

"This is strange..." her brow scrunched together in disbelief, "...I know it's hard for you to tell this but can both of you tell me again what exactly happened during the day of the accident."

She must have seen through the different perspective of the accident.

"What I remember is that I have been pulling him so hard but he just can't get out but as his foot was stuck, it's as if someone was pushing him back. And the large boulder of rock just wasn't ordinary and came out of nowhere. And, isn't it strange that a driver who normally goes there would lose his way?"

'Sisi, if you may excuse me can I talk now?' It was Ralph with his telepathy again.

"Oh I'm sorry I was carried away." I said as an excuse.

'The moment that Sisi told the story, I suddenly remembered the whole accident. At that time, before the whole thing, before the driver took the wrong road, I saw a beautiful, enchanted women dressed in white, she was standing near the direction arrow, as if she had accomplished something, and if I clearly remembered she checked where the arrow was pointing and and looked my way as if looking through me then she's gone.'

*Why didn't you tell me that?* I said telepathically.

'At that time... would you believe me?'

I paused for a while.

'I guessed so, but I understand why you reacted that way.' He said it with such a cute face.

*But you'll never know right? I might have believed you then.*

'Yeah right, like it was easy to convince you that my presence here is real' he said in such a narcisistic way.

I was both flushed and flustered about it. I remembered about the night that he first appeared to me.

"Ahem!... " It was Riane. "I think your forgetting someone here."

"Oh I'm sorry, sorry, sorry for a hundred times! Where were we again?"

"The accident! how come something so serious just turned into some flirtitious... moments in front of me?"

"flirticious?" it was a synchronized chorus by me and Ralph... "Ahahaha"

"Enough! This is something important Sisi, didn't you even feel the creepy about the story Ralph just told us?"

"I did but..." Then I remembered about the thing he told me a while ago again, I was like feeling so so red right now! "Just forget it... I'm sorry" I really feel so ashamed that I acted like this in front of my best friend Riane. "I think I'll go back home after I finish my mocha you too, and just continue your conversation with Ralph on your way home. You can just tell me the reason about Ralph being here tomorrow."

There I was walking through the busy streets. I went inside a book store for a while and grabbed a book. I can't believe what just happened at all, what the hell was that and most importantly, what the hell was I feeling just a moment ago... I mean, he's a ghost. I know that I've liked Ralph since grade school but that's Ralph as a living human with a body and Ralph as just a soul is different. Though I can touch, communicate, and see him, still it will make a different story.

Maybe it's because Ralph is still Ralph and why are this frivolous things running through my mind instead of the main problem here?

It wasn't just an acident I don't know what it really is, this is all new to me. I know this won't help and something came to thought. What if it's possible ressurecting Ralph? it would erase the guilt inside of me but I know it's virtually impossible.

I then closed the book along with my eyes then as I opened my eyes I saw the Title of the book. It says "The Unforeseen Creatures of the Forest" It gave me chills, as I opened it, there was a drawing of a lady, behind a tree as if trying to see while she was hiding from someone. she was beautiful though, then I remembered what Ralph told us before. It somehow resembles what Ralph told us at the table. As I looked at the face of the woman, I saw a faint smile, the same as what Ralph described. Chills ran through me. This might answer our questions.

I went to the bookseller and asked how much does the book cost. Then the book seller looked at me for a while in a way that he was worried or something.

"Well, actually, that book wasn't really for sale, I've got no idea why it got there." says the bookseller, He looks as if he was already in his late fifties.

"Oh I'm sorry. Is that so?" I was about to put the book back to it's shelf when the bokseller called me.

"May I know you name?"

"You can call me Sisi Sir."

"I see that you are frequent here, How about a deal, I'll let you borrow it for a while, but be sure to bring it back and when you see blank pages in it, I want you to rewrite it."

"Rewrite it?" I asked

" Yes rewrite it, I see you'll be able to do that at least."

"Don't worry..." He added. "You should't worry about having the right words to write, it's all about new discoveries and experiences."

"May I ask your name sir?"

"You can just call me Pat"

"Thank you Pat. Can I talk to you when I encounter questions which I may find hard to answer?"

"Well as long as it's related to that book" He said in a bit of a joking manner.

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