The first night

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He whispered "Now I know why I came back..."

That has totally shocked me. 

"Why?" I asked.

"I'm not sure yet but I have a feeling that it has something to do with you" he said.

"Wait a minute, could you just make it clear... so your telling me that a soul with unfinished business do really linger in this world?"

"You think I want to stay here when I know I'm dead?"

"Of course not! I'm still dreaming so this is just a dream."

"Dreaming you say? I was having a nice experience of calmness in the other life until all of a sudden I heard a cry out of no where. After that i was standing in your room then I saw you cry. I couldn't resist to let you be."

"But i saw you in my dream."

"Maybe that was when I drew closer to touch you my presence must have been inflicted in your dream but once I drew near and touched your hand, you woke up."

I couldn't believe it. Still I think that  I am still dreaming.

At that moment, no words were said. He was looking straight into my eyes and  I felt like melting. I couldn't stop looking at him, slowly he drew near, nearer, nearer then he kissed me. It was so intense that i felt hot. He stopped when he knew that I needed to breath.

Of all questions, i suddenly asked, "Why all of a sudden?"

"You said you couldn't believe this at all."

"But why does it have to be a kiss?"

"You should know that..." He said whilst  he softly pulled a lock of my hair towards the back of my

 "Why would you someone kiss anyway?"

I blushed and slowly dozed off. Maybe because my braincells have had too much in one night.

When I woke up he was still there, staring at me.

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