tfp optimus x unicron part 2

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megaton growled he was jealous that unicron got to do that to optimus only he could do that!

unicron noticed something was off he coughed up optimus and placed him down gently and looked around and saw megaton and picked him up

megaton "hey let me go!"

unicron "very we'll" he placed him in his mouth and swallowed hard

megaton yelped as he fell in and digesting slime started to fill in "let me out! i don't wanna die!'

unicron "are you gonna leave optimus alone?"

megaton "what?!" he struggled

unicron "I want you to leave optimus alone hes mine!"

megaton growled "fine! I won't go near him just let me out!"

unicron nodded and coughed him up and megaton ran off

optimus "what happened?"

unicorn "megaton happened"

optimus ""oh"

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