tfp starscream x megaton

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starscream sighed as he failed another mission and was hiding because he was now tiny from a yellow energon

starscream "please to primus not lwt megaton find me"

megaton grabbed him "you were saying"

starscream yelped "um.....hi megaton"

megaton growled and went to his room with him

starscream looked around wondering what was gonna happen to him but he suddenly yelp as he placed in his mouth "what?! let me out!"

megaton ignore him and swallowed hard

starscream yelped falling into his fule tank "please I don't wanna die!"

megaton "your not gonna die"

starscream "im not?"

megaton "yes because your too sweet~"

starscream blushed and huffed "you idiot" he mumbles

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