Chapter 3

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10 years later...

Now fourteen years old Izuku Midoriya is in his third year of middle school. Along with his friend Kacchan.

Izuku grew up to be quite good looking and popular at Aldera Middle School. Same goes for the loud blonde. Both in different ways.

Everyone wondered how the two could be friends. Yes they are strong in using their quirks, smart at school. but their personalities are different.

Katsuki was loud, short tempered, literally explosive, and is crude. The worst part of him is his big ego and lack of respect to to the 'extras' around him. While  Izuku is quiet, calm, and kind. His sudden small smiles made everyone's heartbeat raise. They say he's a blessing to Aldera Middle School. Bakugou's not the best person, he takes his anger out on others. Izuku would stop or restrain him which helped a lot because the blonde would only listen to the redhead.

"HAH!? WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING EXTRA!?" Katsuki's voice could be heard from the other end of the hall. Fortunately for the tormented, Izuku was passing by. "oh, Kacchan you're here." he said as he slide his eyes to the poor kid below Katsuki. "Kacchan, we'll be late for class. C'mon." he said walking towards his classroom. Katsuki followed behind and left the the student alone.

After minutes of waiting in the classroom, the teacher arrived with papers on his hand. After formal greetings he started talking. "I would give you this career aptitude test but, what's the point? You all wanted to be heroes." he threw the papers in the air and Izuku's classmates started to showcase their quirk, immediately stopped by Katsuki's voice. "Teach! Don't lump me and Izuku with these losers!! These buncha extras would be lucky enough to be sidekicks of D-Listers!!" The class went fuming and Izuku sighed in disappointment to his friend's antics. "Oh yeah, Bakugou's applying to UA. Same as Midoriya huh?"

The class started murmuring about how the acceptance rate was low in UA high. But tht didn't stop the two friends to want nothing more than be accepted. So ten months later, the entrance exam finally came. And all Izuku and Katsuki did was train and study.

In front of the UA gates, Katsuki and Izuku walked along with other participants. Making their way to the orientation hall, Izuku tripped and braced for the fall.. But what's expected didn't come. He was.. floating in mid air? 

He relaxed himself and saw a brunette girl with pink cheeks. "Sorry I used my quirk on you, but it'd be a shame if you fall before the exams right?" she said to the redhead. Izuku turned to her only to see her blush after her confident smile. "thankyou.." he blurted out with a neutral face.

"then, I better get going" the girl said. Katsuki then pulled Izuku to the orientation room and found their seats. Present Mic started orientation with an energetic greeting, unfortunately, it wasn't returned to him with the same energy. The students were silent and he just decided to start explaining the exam. In the middle of explaining, A boy with blue hair and glasses raised his hand, Present Mic who was happy that a student decided to participate and talk called over the number of the participant giving him permission to speak.

The boy stood up and started talking. "Sir! in the printout handed out, it shows there are four types of villains not three like from your explanations. If this was a mistake on official UA material then it is shameful." he exclaimed, "Well, listener. Thankyou for pointing it out. I was just about to get to that part actually. The fourth faux villain is a Zero pointer! So it's recommended that you could just run away from it" Mic answered. "then.. check your papers and see where your perspective battle centers are are." The students looked at their papers. "I guess they won't let friends help each other huh?" Bakugou said. Izuku just nodded, not leaving his sight on the stage.

Later on the participants went to their assigned battle center. Izuku got battle center B. He saw the brunette he bumped into earlier and the glasses boy from the orientation.

Everyone was looking at Izuku, his red hair that fades down to white caught many attention. Soon, the gates open and Present mic screamed "Go!!" where students ran to comply.

Izuku uses his Cold white flames to freeze the robots causing them to malfunction. Saving other's who do not watch their surroundings causing him to gain more points unknowingly.

Meanwhile.. At the control room where the staff is. Eraserhead was watching boredly at his potential soon to be students. Looking around different screens, he saw one participant who was running across faux villains who already has their targets. But before the faux villains could do anything, it was 'freezed', stuck down to the ground. But instead of freezing to malfunction, it's legs melted into the ground slowly. He recognized the structure of the Ice, he saw this at the recommendation exams a few days ago.

"Nezu, does Shoto Todoroki from the recommendations have a brother?" Aizawa asked the mixed look of bear, mouse, closest to a hamster in my eyes principal. "Well yes, he has. A college student in a medical course." the smart animal answered. "no other?", "The other two are dead if I look back from 10 to 11 years ago."

The tired looking man sighed and continued to watch the participants as Nezu pushed a button to release the giant zero pointer. 'here we go again..' Aizawa thought.

Back at the battle center, the ground rumbled and a big robot, specifically the zero pointer, rose from the ground. It was bigger than the robot's they have been destroying. Somehow it was fearsome, but it's a zero pointer, they don't need to take the robot down, they don't have to deal with it. Most thought, even the red head Izuku thought of this. But just before leaving, he saw the kind girl who kept him from falling earlier. She was stuck under a rubble. She couldn't run away from the giant faux villain. Changing his course from running away to running towards the villain,  Izuku shot his cold flames towards the stuck girl. Then he shot his red hot Ice glaciers far above her before the villain steps on her. Controlling both temperature, the girl didn't burn because of the cool of his quirk nor freeze from the low temperature. The girl didn't get crush as the hot glaciers melt the structure of the robot's legs. He saved the brunette by taking her out of the rubble and carried her far enough for the robot not to fall on them both. He used his quirk to warm up his body so that the girl would have her normal body temperature back.

Then Presnt Mic called the end of the exams. Recovery girl started walking towards Izuku and the girl he comfortably sat on the ground. "I think she had a sprain." Izuku said to recovery girl in a neutral tone.

Recovery girl kissed the forehead of the brunette and her sprain and some cuts started to disappear.

Back at home, Inko Midoriya was waiting for her son. She knew he'd pass just from wagching him train by himself or with Katsuki. As a special treat, she made her Katsudon and Soba. She couldn't usually make both mostly because of the time it takes and her job and resting hours. Izuku understood this, but this was special and she decided to take a leave off her work.

Izuku came home earning a hug from her mother as he took a step in the house. "hey ma," he greeted with a small smile forming his face. This smile usually shows whenever Inko's around, or Katsuki would do something pleasing than crude.

"How was the exam?" she asked helping Izuku out with his stuff. "Tiring." he said. Inko knew how Izuku is not a talker, so she doesn't mind short responses.

"I made you your favorites. And I made sure the Soba is cold, just how you like it." the smile on Izuku's face grew a bit more. Inko would notice this small difference. And so the night was filled with stories and pride.

All that's left is to wait for the acceptance letter.

BNHA: Izuku Todoroki (What if Izuku is a Todoroki?)Where stories live. Discover now