Chapter 36

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"I am Touya"

It was a celebration for the family, Izuku is happy. There's no denying that fact, but everyone has to deal with the backlash of the situation. Izuku doesn't feel all the way good about the return of his memories. This unpleasant feeling of guilt and sadness has been eating his heart up. He finds it unfair how he was found and his Touya-nii wasn't.

It's been a week since that incident. The recovery girl advised him to rest. Aizawa is taking a closer watch on the brothers and as for Touya, he is overthinking how he would introduce himself to Izuku. The first step on his list is to request help from the commission, but that is something that has already been promised to him the moment he created the deal of the contract. Perks of being that bastard's son, the commission would get him what he requests, something he is actually thankful for.

"Dabi." The commission president greeted him with his alias. "President." "What brings you here?" she asks. "I've found my brother. That means I'll stop working underground and you'll help me confront him." Touya said. "I get the first part since it is part of our deal, but why need help confronting him?"

"Well, circumstances." He answered. The president walked to the front of her desk and leaned, her hands on the surface of the table. "Tell me, I have the whole afternoon free. Touya." The latter nodded before taking a seat on a free armchair.  "Endeavor has found him first. Last week I have confirmed he really is the Izuku I was looking for." The president hummed. "And the problem?" she asks. "Well I ran away and since it's been too long, investigations say I'm dead. How do you think will I approach it? 'Oh hey! I'm the dead brother that came back to life!'"

"Isn't that what happened to Izuku?" The president chuckled. "It was a different case! they were the ones who found him... I- and I can't bring myself to face them!"  There. His emotions almost burst. 'Ah, I see.' Thought the president. 'He's been strong for far too long. I guess there's still that kid in him.' She hummed with a smile. "Then, we'll think of something within the week so... just prepare yourself to meet your brother." 'though I'll mostly leave everything up to fate.' Words remained unspoken.

Aside from the Todoroki family, who else is close to the twins? That leads us to the present where Bakugou, Aizawa, and Touya are sitting in one of the private lounges in UA. Touya was hesitant of Bakugou. Even now he is still hesitant, the kid glaring at him. He honestly wanna punch that face for exposing Izuku to such unrefined manners, but he is Izuku's best friend. And Aizawa? Aside from being their homeroom teacher, apparently, he somehow helped with the family reunion. He'll be straightforward. No more beating around the bush and if not getting them to accept, then force them to help him. The silence in the room was broken as...

"I am Touya."

Even after that, silence followed. "I am Touya," he repeated. The two looked at him like he's not making a point. "Touya who exactly?" Aizawa pointed out. "Yeah, I don't know any bastard whose name is Touya dimwit!! You know-" Bakugou was cut off. "Touya Todoroki!!!" He exclaimed. Giving the two the shock he has been expecting earlier. "What do you mean?!!!" Bakugou raged. "He's dead okay!! Don't give the Todoroki some false hope!! Izuku will not like the joke your playing right now bastard!"

'Well, at least he's a real friend. That I can confirm...' Touya thought as he look at Bakugou in a bored manner. "You done yet?" He snorted. It seems that Bakugou has a lot to ramble about, he moved his eyes to Aizawa and gave him a somewhat expectant look. "Aizawa, any thoughts?" The teacher sighed a tired one and massaged the bridge of his nose. Obviously, the man is too tired for this but nevertheless, he also wants to help. "Let me get this straight. You're the Endeavor's eldest son who ran away from home, announced missing then soon dead?" Touya nodded. "And how exactly are you surviving?" Touya snorted again. "Enji Todoroki's family treatment isn't exactly a secret from the hero commission, Eraser."

All three became quiet. Bakugou had thought... 'does the commission cover for Endeavor?'. Bakugou let go of the thought as it doesn't seem like it. But his questions were answered. "The commission doesn't cover for Endeavor. If that were the case they'd be lying to the public which will be a huge problem. They just simply ignored it but I requested to protect mom and my siblings in a way." Touya said.

"How did that go?" Aizawa asked. "It went well. They watched over mom in the mental ward, assigning my personally chosen nurses instead of the ignorant nurses there. Natsuo's school scholarship is from the commission. Fuyumi never once encountered a villain or criminal. Shoto doesn't really need any help since Enji gives him full attention. Okay maybe he did need help but I don't know how to since the flame bastard gives him full attention." Touya explained. Aizawa was surprised. "Now I get why it was a bit hard to take Rei out of the hospital. You probably don't wanna let her go."

"If you're still alive, then why not say a thing to your old hag or those minions?" Bakugou asked.

"You mean my mom and siblings right?" He clarified. "Who else would I be talking about dimwit!!" Bakugou exclaimed, Touya sighed. He had to get used to this blonde pomeranian. He just wouldn't stop barking insults. "I work undercover in the league idiot. I would put them and me at risk if the villains had somehow connected the dots on how the commission protects them. It would make me suspicious and the league will not be stopped as easy as it was." 

Bakugou rolled his eyes, he ain't winning if he continue to argue. He wasn't blind. For the past few weeks, he's been one of the people who knew of Izuku's memory recovery. From one look, he could tell what Izuku felt like. Knowing the state of their family losing only one member (Touya), that soft dork would surely feel not only sad but also guilty. Being by his side since childhood, seeing him every day. Bakugou at least learned to read bit by bit of Izuku's emotions. He knows that he is worthy of Izuku's friendship, even though he doesn't look like it, what matters is that Izuku sees a friend in him and he sees a friend in Izuku. And right now, an impact came to find him. That impact is the missing older brother. Touya Todoroki.

Now now, Bakugou is smart. And being a smart person, he thinks. He thinks of the possibilities. Would Izuku be happy? Truly happy? or would it hurt him knowing the reason Touya ran away partly because of him? Would Izuku drown in guilt more if he helped Touya? Katsuki wouldn't know the consequences if things turned out bad but he does know the price of this decision if things turned out great.

Bakugou was lost in his thoughts until he felt a hand on his shoulders. Flinching a bit from the suddenness, "What is it?" he said in a gruff voice and sighed after. Aizawa squeezed his shoulders a bit before letting go. "Izuku would like to meet his brother. Even if there are hardships along the way, in the end, a complete family is what the Todoroki's longed for. Does it even matter now if their son came back from the dead? — Aizawa smirked — it has happened once why not twice?"

This earned them a soft laugh from Touya. "Well, the commission promised to not let the matter reach the public's eyes. Well, not the real story."

"I'll help you kid, I'm sure Bakugou is also willing."

BNHA: Izuku Todoroki (What if Izuku is a Todoroki?)Where stories live. Discover now