Chapter 25

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A Visit with Rindous

(Third POV)

The next weekend came, not much has been happening but the usual lessons without villain attacks or that sort of problem. Training became intense though since next week, they'll be going on provisional licensing exams. Izuku was nervous but kept it quiet. For now, it isn't the time for the red head to worry about the exam. 

Izuku noticed that his family has been eager.. excited. He wonders why. But, they said that they will visit someone. They made him pick flowers from the garden. To most of them surprised, he picked the Rindou flowers planted. Shoto came close to Izuku. 

"Izu.. why did you pick those flowers?" Shoto kneeled beside his brother offering a small vase with water in it. Izuku picks the flowers and puts it in the vase. "They're pretty.. and my favorite.." He blushed in shyness. Shoto smiled a small and pat Izuku's head. "E-ehh?" Izuku pushed his hands away embarrassed. "What? I'm older.." the older twin stated. "B-but still..." Shoto chuckled. They both made their way to the other three who was watching.

"He's a good brother.." Fuyumi said. "They are the same but I can't help but think that they are opposites really.." Natsuo stated. Making Endeavor think back on the time he were with Izuku.. seeing how the twins are together and side by side.. yeah.. Shoto doesn't really put anything else but that stoic face and small smiles and chuckles. Izuku however does smile small too but, he shows more emotions and less apathetic. He laughs, he playfully gets along. Like a kid Enji usually sees during patrol.

"Izuku, after the visit do you want to do something?" Enji asks as he put his hand on his son's shoulder. Izuku smiled at him.. but the answer was sorta away from the smile. The smile slowly drops as he gave off a thinking face Shoto would wear. Enji chuckles. "You can think about it. I'll get your answer later!" He exclaimed, Izuku nodded and went in the car sitting between Shoto and Natsuo in the backseat. 

'It's weird seeing the no.2 hero drive..' Izuku thought as the car starts to move. The youngest was expecting to visit a party or a friend's house. But, he was surprised when the car stopped into the hospital. "Dad?" Enji looked at Izuku. "Are we gonna have a doctor's appointment?" with a tilted head, Izuku watch his family laugh. "No Izu.. we'll have your appointment when something goes on in you memories." Fuyumi said. He made an 'oh' face. 

"It's a surprise Izuku." Natsuo smiled as the car is parked. They went in the hospital and made their way to the room of their destination. After a knock, they went in. There's a woman. White hair, and pretty.. grey eyes. The one he sees in the frames in their house. Izuku looked at Shoto with hopeful eyes.. ever since Inko's death, aside from waiting to be taken in by the Todoroki's and have a family, he dreamed to meet his mother. 

The older twin nodded with a soft smile. "Izuku, meet your mother.. Rei Todoroki." Enji said as he walks his way to the woman and give aster flowers. Izuku went closer, he put the Rindous he picked earlier on the table near and went to go in the long awaited hug. "I-izuku.." Rei stuttered as she returned the hug.. They parted and Rei made sure to take a clear look on his son. 

"y-you're pretty.." Izuku muttered. "And you're handsome! Definitely from my side of the family.." She smiled fiddling with a strip of Izuku's hair. "He has red hair at most!!" Enji butted in earning a small slap by Fuyumi on his arms. "let them be dad.." she whisper yelled. Enji sighed in defeat. "uhmm.." Izuku wasn't sure if he can call her mom just yet. What if it makes everyone uncomfortable? It took some time for him to be able to warm up on Enji, Fuyumi, and Natsuo before calling them dad, nee-san, and nii-san.

"call me mom.. Izuku.." Rei said. Izuku nodded. "mom.." his lips quirked up to a smile feeling warm inside his heart. "mom.. I brought flowers.." "Thankyou Izuku.." she smiled as she sees the RIndous. "They just told me to pick.. I just picked my favorites.." 

"They're my favorite too you know?"  The redhead perked up. As the two got lost in their conversation, Fuyumi and Natsuo were fixing up their gifts. The fruit basket and some books. Shoto was watching Izuku and Enji was just happy. Everything is falling into pieces.


"Visiting time is almost over Enji. Just come back next time." Rei smiled. She worried that everyone was out too late. She heard they were suppose to go out somewhere depends on Izuku's choice but her sweet son decided to stay with her the whole day. Of course everyone didn't mind. They actually loved it when they tell stories to each other and some time the kids teaching their parents how to use the phone and teaching games.

All ended with laughter and tiredness. Shoto excused himself to the bathroom and Izuku yawned as Fuyumi and Natsuo was talking to Rei. "I think you're right Rei.." Enji said as he pulled Izuku closer. Now leaning at him Izuku complained. "I wanna stay longer with mom." He said blandly but the sincerity isn't doubted that he is desperate to stay. Enji sighed. "Izuku. We'll come back next week okay?" 

Izuku gave a look. Enji sighed more. After a few minutes, "can't she come home yet?" he asks "don't worry, by next month, your mom should be able to go home." Shoto came in with a doctor. The doctor said those words with a smile making everyone looked at her with grateful eyes. "you heard me, it seems working things out helped your recovery Mrs. Todoroki. Congratulations." 

"I'm so excited mom!!" Fuyumi said as she hugged her mom carefully. "Looks like you're easily attached to mom." Shoto said to Izuku. The latter only nodded with a small smile. Izuku's and Shoto's smiles are not so rare these days. The school went on a frenzy crushing in the two. Shoto still wondered how until now, they didn't get to explain their situation to the class.


"Hello?" Dabi answered the unknown number.

"This is the commission." Dabi perked up. He was alone in his provided room. "-action will come a few months. Recruiting and planning are already flowing. Continue what you do for a few more weeks. We'll send a date where you can come back. By now, I'm betting your scars becomes noticeable worse and worse. We'll put you to appointment again once you get back, so don't worry!"  Dabi looked in the mirror as he listened to the phone.

"yeah.. my burns are pretty bad right now.." He can see purple burns came to a notice again. 'they're coming back' he thought. His burns were kept away temporarily by a quirk. Why? so he can remain handsome of course. Plus, it is harder not to hide among the crowd when you have unique noticeable burns. The conversation goes on, he was listening but.. his thoughts still wonders off.

'I need hair dye.. my whites are coming back.. but more importantly.. I can go home..'


BNHA: Izuku Todoroki (What if Izuku is a Todoroki?)Where stories live. Discover now