Chapter 13

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Tyler’s POV

Her arm feels cold against the skin of my palm. The question that revolves around my head is making me go crazy.

Are you okay?

Are you really okay?

“Uhm, sorry, but can you let go?” She smiles a little.

“O-oh, sorry.” I reluctantly allow her arm to slip off from my reach.

When will we be able to talk normally again? How can I get her to smile to me again? Will she hang out with me ever again? When I think about what I’ve said to her that day, I want to throw myself down a bridge, get knocked by a ship and probably choke myself with seaweeds.

I shook my head to rid away the thoughts that was unnecessarily clouding my head.

“—now?” She waved a hand in front of my face.

Slightly startled, I jumped and god, that was embarassing. You may bury me now.

When she giggled a little, the heat around me dispersed, the embarrassment turned into worthiness. The way the edges of her lips reaches all the way to her ear, gouges itself into my mind like a camera snapping a picture. What the crap is she doing to me?

“Sorry, what?” I asked.

The smile on her face quickly ceased as she cleared her throat, “I was asking if we could start now.”


“Here. A quick one.”

Is she challenging me? I have to put a gazillion sentences that is in my mind into a one minute speech. My skull felt as if it was cracking, my head hurts so bad. My chest feels so tight, my rib cage splitting into half as my heart rams against it.

“I…” I opened my mouth to pour my heart out. But all of it lodges in my throat. My saliva glands betrayed me, leaving my mouth dry and rough. “I can’t do it.”

Her anticipating eyes dropped into disappointment. “Bummer.” She laughed, “It’s okay, really. I don’t want any…sort of explanation. I kind of get what you’re trying to say.”

She’s totally taking this the wrong way! Why, why am I such a dumb peanut. Why.

Shut up, inner Tyl.

When those words exited her mouth, I feel fires burning my chest, spreading the heat along my torso. The honest feelings coating around my head. Now I know why in TV dramas, the actors and actresses are so friggin’ dumb to let their love go so that ‘they could be happier without me’.

I am afraid.

I’m afraid of her reaction and I’m afraid of the type of answer she would give me. I’m afraid of losing her as my friend.

And the only way to make her understand is…

“No!” I grabbed her once again when she turned to leave, “I like you.”

When I spilled those words out, my heart accelerated, twice as fast as its original speed. My mind is going blank, my eyes watching every breath she takes, her every movement and her every expression.


Hazel’s POV

The words that I’ve been trying to hide rolled off his tongue in the simplest way ever. Is that his way of apologizing?

Surprisingly, I feel calm. I feel nothing. I feel okay.

My gaze held his for a good minute, drowning in his eyes. They are so green, just like a shimmering emerald begging for an answer from me.

Desperately trying to prevent any outburst of emotion from myself, I swallowed about 50 times a minute, I don’t even know whether I’m exaggerating anymore. Masking it, I raised one of my eyebrows, “Uh huh?”

He pursed his lips into a thin hard line. Maybe he is hiding his feelings too. I realize how he always creases his eyebrows, like a mosquito stucked in-between his eyebrows and he wants to squish it or something.  He always seems so frustrated over something. My untrustworthy eyes allows me to see a flash of pain flicker over his face, “As a friend, I meant.”


I knew it. 

Everything is one-sided from the start, it seems so funny, I wanna mock myself.


Tyler’s POV

The look in her eyes held nothing. And I return the gaze.

We fell into complete silence with only the both of us standing in the middle of the court retardedly.

I don’t know anymore.

I like you? In the first place, why am I telling that to an angel?

She glided her tongue over her cracked lips. “That’s right,” She smiled a little, “you can’t possibly like me. For being a future Seraphim, and why would you like someone like me.” Her smile is now full on, bringing her expression into the happiest smile she could manage.

How is she feeling inside? Can I use my magic to read her?

Can I read her?

Goddamn it, why isn’t she like other girls—open books to read.

That’s what makes her special, isn’t it?

“Well, I’ll go first. Rei is waiting for me.” She informed, her bleeding thumb pointing towards the locker room. A disheartening frown hung on her lips.

Rei. Rei. Rei. Rei. Rei.

Rei, always. Always.


I clamped my hand over my mouth, “Huh?”

Did I really just say my thoughts out loud? Oh, my dear lord.

“Why did you just mention Re—mmpfh!” My collarbone crashed straight into her face. Her minimal amount of force tries to push me away but I held her firm. She trashed and yelled.

Her skin that I’ve unconsciously yearned to touch. Her scent that my nose unconsciously picked up on. Her hair that tickles my ears slightly when I hug her.

I’m utterly disgusting, I can’t believe myself.

All day long, I admit, I’ve only been thinking about her. So, why Rei? Why only think of Rei?

Wait, what am I getting myself into?

I tightened the hug when she stopped struggling, “Just shut up and…don’t go.”



I’m sorry this is so short, don’t murder me please. *shields myself* I’m so excited to write this, but at the same time can’t continue. DAS RAIT.

*shivers* This is so cringe-able.

I can’t write romance. I can’t. ((Though I read tonnes of em’.))

I hope you’ll like this. *cringe*

Thank you for reading, butts (≧▽≦)/~┴┴ I’m so happy I can die on spot.



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