Chapter 2

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Hazel’s POV

No, no, no, no, no.

Hell no.

This can’t be happening, can it?

 I’ve never actually gotten myself into a trouble, but

This is some serious poop.

I shook my head to wake myself up from this dream.

Why isn’t I waking up?

Oh dear, please don’t let it be true.


(Back to an hour ago)

The sound of soles rubbing against the concrete ground irritates me immensely, yet at the same time, I’m too tired to raise these legs of mine. How weird, I’m irritating myself. Shut up, inner me.

Matt shuffles his feet quietly compared to my long dreadful drags, mumbling the formulas that I’ve taught him the previous night. We’re both dead tired, tired of that crap called school. Matt failed his tests again and we stayed up late to prepare him for his upcoming one.

I sighed, rubbing my eyes.

Did I mention that Norwest Academy is the school where all Angels, Demons and Humans attend together?


Did I also mention that someone is stupid enough to put them together?


In a world of Angels, there will be Demons, no doubt about it. And obviously, they never get along. So, why? Why did they put Demons and Angels to the same school?

Humans aren’t a huge threat to us, but we do not particularly side with them.

When the school building became visibly near, more and more students started trudging by our side, their sighs coming out at an inconsiderable amount. Don’t worry people, we all feel the same, theee same. We quickened our pace when the school chime rang. As we made our way through the entrance, I wished Matt a quick good luck before I weaved myself through the crowd, towards my locker. The hallway was filled with chatterings, laughters and bimbo gossips. I can’t stand it.

Self-conciousness has always been an issue of mine. I hate it when someone gives me a good full body scan. The expression that gives away every single thought that ran through their little unknowledgeable brains: Disgust.

I need to get away before I get a panic attack or anything of that sort. Discreetly, I dugged my books out of the locker and bowed my head as low as possible, thinking that my neck would snap anytime.

Quiet classroom, quiet classroom, quiet classroom. I chanted, my irregular breaths cause my chest to heave up and down.

“Hey, you.” A deep, honeyed voice called rudely from behind me.

I ignored the voice. Why can’t people address their friends by names? I mean like, aren’t names created for a goddamn reason?

“The girl with the navy blue backpack.” The same silvery voice spoke again.

I continue strutting away until…

…navy blue backpack.

I blinked. Me?

Turning over dramatically, I tried to recall the last time someone from school actually spoke to me voluntarily. For a moment, I am surprised and my breath got caught up in my throat, making me unable to breathe properly.

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