Happy Endings? - Episode 12

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Inside of the shack, the phone starts ringing. No one is inside to answer it. Outside is burning wreckage from the alien ship and army jets. The fire of the aftermath can be seen from inside of the shack. The phone is left unanswered and goes to voice-mail. "Well, er... I suppose you guys must be off somewhere. Doing some mission. I am missing you. All of you; especially Archie." James is saying through the phone. He pauses for a moment. He has trouble how to explain that Isabella passed away. "Izzy, er... she died. We got married and the next morning she just... I don't know what to do. I'm thinking of returning to my time, but at the same time, I'm going to miss you guys. But there's nothing left for me here, anyway. I'll see you soon, if ever. Goodbye." James finishes and ends the call.

James sits down on the sofa; he ponders on what his plan for the future is. He stares blankly at the floor and cries softly to himself. With Sophie living happily in her marriage, Isabella dead and Archie having left Torchwood Two and teamed up with Jack, James is left on his own. Now not knowing how to carry on. He closes his eyes and imagines a life where everything could've been perfect. But that just wouldn't be life at all. And James knows that.

Jack, Rex, Archie, Martha and Mickey finally return to the shack. "That blue-eyed bastard better be gone." Jack says, once they all enter. Jack approaches the chair and finds everything still intact. "This must be some kind of miracle. Now we can save them." Jack checks to see if everything is wired up correctly and, to his relief, the chair is perfectly stable.

"You're really gonna go through with it, then?" Archie questions Jack about his mission. "Of course I am." He responds gleefully. "Rex, you up for it, too? Considering you were the only one there out of us that witnessed Esther's death." Jack asks Rex. "I can try my best. World War Two, I think this might just work." He replies to the Captain. Martha and Mickey have worked-out what they're planning. "So, you want to use that chair to go back and save your loved ones, right?" Martha infers. "Aye." Archie clarifies for the two. "Why wouldn't anyone? This is the only way I can see Ianto, but you had explained that this thing can also change the past, in a sense. So why not try it?" Jack questions them rhetorically, also confirming their plans. "Maybe because it's dangerous. Maybe cos it can kill you." Mickey answers him, making Archie and Rex reconsider this. "I'm immortal. I'm a fixed point that can never go deceased. This can't kill me!" Jack boasts to him; being stubborn and backs up his plan.

Rhys enters his house with a shopping bag. He puts the bag down in the kitchen and sits next to Gwen by their kitchen table. "Sorry for being such a cock, man. I hope that this can be a start for me making up for it." Rhys states to Gwen, as he reaches into the bag. He gets out a box and passes it to Gwen. "Not too expensive, mind you. And certainly not cheap." Rhys explains and she opens it. Out reveals to be a shining, wonderful necklace. "Rhys, I'm so thankful to have you. You're a good father, but sometimes we just need to sit down and talk. I see now that Torchwood has become a bit of problem between us. Retcon?" Gwen suggests that they take the Retcon pill and make their problems all go away. Rhys leans in to give her a passionate kiss and says, "It might just be our only solution. I am sorry. Sorry that I've made it reach this point, but you're always going back there. So, yes... Retcon." Rhys replies and agrees to this.

Captain Jack rushes into the chair, while Martha, allowing this, goes on the computer and helps send him to the right moments in time. "Let's do Owen's first death, while I figure out how to prevent his second." Jack orders her. Jack gets sent through traumatising and agonisingly painful past experiences, until he eventually lands to where Owen first died.

Professor Copley has the team at the gunpoint and Owen has his hands up and gradually walking towards him. "We're both rational men. Scientists." Owen says, slowing making his way towards him. Jack rapidly rushes to Owen and tackles him to the ground. Copley fires a shot and it smashes one of the windows if their original SUV. Jack gets out his pistol and fires three shots into the professors chest. He falls to the ground and dies. "Thanks, Jack. But I had it covered." Owen says to Jack. "Are you quite sure about that?" He asks him. "Yeah. Well, I s'pose we better head back, then, eh?" Owen states and then Jack is pushed forward in time to when Tosh dies and Owen has his second death.

Jack stands underground of the base with his brother, Gray. "I loathe you-" Gray starts speaking to Jack, however Jack cuts him off by punching him in the face and knocking him out. "No hard feelings, brother. But you murdered two of my friends and I couldn't kill you the last time. But when the base blew up... I realised you went with it. If I can handle your death before, then maybe I can do it just one more time here." Jack gets out his pistol and shoots his brother in the head! "I'm sorry, but it was the only way." Jack apologises and a tear falls across his cheek, looking at his brother's corpse.

Back in the real time, the phone goes off once more. "Archie, could you get that?" Mickey asks him. Archie goes to answer the phone, not knowing who it could be. "Who is it?" Archie questions down the phone. "It's me James. Did you get my messages?" James asks him. "No, what messages? What's going on, laddie?" Archie asks him, concerned.

Jack goes to rescue his friends from the holding cells. Owen, now with a different future, is one of them. "You took your time." Captain John Hart says to Jack. "We gotta hurry, Tosh is up there, bleeding out." Jack explains to the group.

The five of them reach Tosh and Owen helps get the bullet out. "Jack, what about the power station?" Gwen questions him. "I've got a friend over there. She was speaking to me through the comms and she's almost finished in there." Tosh explains. "Can she fix it?" Owen asks her. "I should hope so." Tosh replies.

Ianto approaches Jack, "Did you kill your brother, then?" Ianto asks Jack. "I only did what I had to. And that was necessary." Jack explains to his boyfriend.

Tosh receives a message from her friend (after she'd been patched up), explaining that everything went well, however she got stuck inside (likewise when Owen did it in the original timeline) and she has a minute left. "She fixed it, but the lockdown got her trapped and she won't make it out alive. She's gonna decompose. Horribly." Tosh explains to them, tearing up. "Oh, my God, Tosh. I'm so sorry, but at least she saved us. Your friend is a hero." Gwen explains to Tosh, making her feel slightly better.

Later, John explains that he must them once again. "You can always stay, if you like." Jack says to him. "No. Besides, you've already got one boyfriend here; it would just be awkward if there's another lurking around." John explains to Jack, while looking at Ianto. Suddenly, Jack gets pushed forward in time once more to just before himself and Ianto go to see the 456.

"I'm going with you." Ianto tries persuade Jack to let him go along. "Ianto, I don't want for you to risk your life just because you join me. Please stay here, alright?" Jack explains to him, knowing he'll die if he joins him. Behind Ianto stands the whole team: Owen, Tosh, Gwen and Rhys. Jack now knows that he was completely successful in his mission. "I do love you, Ianto. Don't forget it."

Jack visits the 456 on his own and attempts to get as many people out of the building as possible. "You will die. And tomorrow, your people will deliver the children." The 456 explain to Jack, after the gas in Thames House was released and killed whoever stayed inside. Jack dies also. Crying as he remembered the time when Ianto had died in his arms.

On the final day of Children of Earth, Jack is unfortunately left to deal with killing a child. Just as the last way went, there are no children left, except for his own grandson. Jack begs for Martha to skip over this part and, willingly, she accepts.

In the new reality, Jack never left the Earth and the Torchwood team survive. Jack jumps out of the chair, being awakened after completing the mission. "Did it work?" Jack asks everyone. "Did what work?" Ianto questions Jack as Jack gets up off of the floor. He stares in awe at the sight of the team's survival. "I think I'm gonna need to be reminded of what exactly happened for the last two years." Jack says, now knowing that he can change the past. One of the things he does realise that has stayed the same was that Gwen has still left Torchwood after the events of Miracle Day. But has he helped in their relationship difficulties? How long can he have this Happy Ending?

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