The Massacre of Torchwood - Episode 5

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The sun shines across Cardiff and Gwen, not being able to get much sleep thanks to Jack, wakes up to see that Rhys isn't there. She looks around the room. No sign of him. She gets up and hears the shower on. Gwen walks into the bathroom and knocks (hoping that it is Rhys and not her mother) on the shower door. "Morning." She says to him. "Morning, you. I'm coming out now, so would you pass me the towel?" He asks her. She passes it to him once he leaves. "Thanks, love. You just woken up?" He questions Gwen. "Yeah, no thanks to last night. I don't even know what the hell he was going on about. Something about those three families coming after me or some crazy shit." She tells Rhys and they leave the bathroom. "Well he did seem a bit odd. Not to mention how late it was and all!" Rhys adds. "Yeah, he did say that he had a nightmare. He said it was about Ianto." Gwen informs Rhys. "Oh, right. Do you think we should phone him back?" Rhys suggests as they sit down on their bed. "I don't know. I think he was just a bit shaken up really. But we might as well phone him." Gwen replies.

In Glasgow, Jack fell asleep on the table for Rex and Archie to find him. "Hey, World War 2, get your lazy ass up!" Rex says trying to wake up Jack. "Jack! Captain Jack Harkness!" Archie exclaims, but Jack still sleeps. Rex lies him on the floor, gets a cup of water and pours it over him. This fortunately wakes him up. "What the shit!?" He shouts as he gets up. "What the hell were you doing last night? We find you here and looks like you'd been on Archie's laptop." Rex explains to him. "And you were on the phone. I do have to pay my bills too!" Archie adds. "Yeah, but Torchwood gets paid by the crown and it's a hell of a lot of money." Jack replies. "Doesn't mean I don't give money to my family." Archie replies to him. Jack gets up and sits on the chair he slept in the previous night. "I need to speak to Gwen again. I don't think she understood last night." Jack explains to them and goes over to the phone. "I don't think she's safe, we should go after her and help her." Jack springs upon them. "Why wouldn't she be safe?" Rex questions Jack. "I just don't. Like the families, they know that Gwen is Welsh and that Torchwood Three was in Cardiff, so they'll go there. It's not too hard to find somebody as known as Gwen Cooper." Captain Jack explains to them. "If they want me, then they'll go and get my loved ones first." He adds. This persuades them to go and save Gwen.

Jilly is landing in twenty minutes, so her bodyguards go to see how she is doing. "Do you understand everything?" One asks. "Is this okay with you?" Asks the other. "Yes, yes. These people wronged and had violated me before. It would be nice to get some revenge." Jilly replies to them. "Excellent. So you're okay with the genocide of Torchwood." The first questions her malevolently. "Oh, yes! I'd love to. Anything for our future." Jilly replies, letting her bodyguards know that she is capable of murdering every Torchwood member.

Captain Jack, Rex Matheson, Archie and the Torchwood Two members have all booked a flight to Cardiff to find out what these people want with Jack and everyone else. "So, Jack." James goes over to see Jack. "What exactly are we going to do to these people?" He questions him. "If they're not willing to cooperate, then we're gonna kill 'em." Jack answers. They board the plane with their pistols and explain that they're Special Ops and are urgent to get to Cardiff. Jack sits next to an elderly woman, much to his misfortune; the others are all closer to one another.

Gwen goes to the Police Department and meets up with Andy. "You're really getting this off quite easy, Gwen." Andy says once they meet up inside. "Oh, yeah? Why's that then?" She questions him. "Apparently not much to do today. And if we get a call, we're not going to be the ones doing the investigation or whatever." Andy explains to her. "Why not? This sounds a little shitty." Gwen replies. "Also it's my birthday, in case you've forgotten." Andy reminds her. "Yeah, yeah course. I haven't forgotten." Gwen answers, despite she did forget. "Oh really? Well anyway, as a treat they said that we don't have to do much, let alone anything, today!" Andy explains to Gwen. "How old are you then?" Gwen asks. "Great! You forgot how old I am." Andy replies. "I'm thirty-two." He answers. "Well let's go and do something then! It's your bloody birthday! Happy Birthday, Andy." Gwen suggests, so they go to the pub.

Jilly's plane lands and the three of them make their way to the known locations of where Torchwood and the members would be. Captain Jack and the others also land around the same time and make their way to Gwen's new home. Torchwood and Jilly never see each other at the airport, nor do they find each other around Cardiff.

Captain Jack and Torchwood arrive at her house and knock on the door. Rhys answers it. "Oh blood hell, man! What are you doing here? And who are these arseholes with you?"  Rhys questions him. "You remember Rex. The others are from Torchwood Two." Jack answers him. "Torchwood Two!? How many are there?" Rhys quizzes him. "Four. Where's Gwen?" Jack asks Rhys. "At work. With that twat: Andy." Rhys informs him. "Why, what's wrong?" Rhys questions him. "We really should be going now, Jack." Archie notifies him. "Yeah, erm... well. See you later, Rhys." Jack says and they start to walk off. "No, no. If she's in trouble, then I'm coming with you. Don't try and stop me. I will help." Rhys states and they let him go with them to save Gwen Cooper.

Jilly can't seem to find Torchwood, so they decide to take a break and go to a pub. It just so happens to be the one where Gwen and Andy are. "Is that her?" One of the bodyguards asks them. "Yes. Yes, I think it is!" Jilly replies. "Are we going to take her out here?" Jilly questions them. "It's best we do this as quick as possible." One of them answers her. "And we'll have to take out anyone else who tries to  stop us." The other one says.

The Torchwood crew get told that Gwen and Andy went to the pub to celebrate Andy's birthday. "Well gotta get there. Which one is it?" Jack questions everyone. "It's a good job you've got me now! I know which one. Follow me." Rhys says. "Great, but we gotta hurry, Rhys!" Jack replies. They make haste to the pub where Gwen, Andy and Jilly all happen to be at.

Torchwood arrive and hear gunshots from outside, causing people to run out and Torchwood to run in. The gunshots were from Jilly. She had shot at Gwen, but hit Andy in his side. He falls to the ground, dropping his larger and the glass smashing. Gwen goes down and pulls out her pistol and fires back at them. The three take cover behind some tables they knocked over. The Torchwood crew arrive at the sight of a bleeding Andy and Gwen shooting at Jilly and her bodyguards.

Jilly notices that Jack and everyone else is inside now. She informs her guards and they shoot at them as well. Bruce gets shot first, as he was closer to them. Then they kill Jack and Rex, by shooting them in the head. James shoots one of the guards in the shoulder and keeps firing. Many more shots are fired and Torchwood go to take cover.


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