A Day in the Past - Episode 8

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Martha (still in her office at the shack) gathers up some files and information about the aliens that they must defeat. She enters the main room and witnesses the others playing poker. "World War 2, man! Stop cheating. You always cheat." Rex comments, whilst Jack is collecting more poker chips. "It's true. He does cheat." Archie confirms for them. Mickey deals them all new cards. "I also cheat at naked hide and seek." Jack adds, reminding Archie of some of the e-mails that he received from Ianto. "Yeah, Ianto told me about that. You are dirty!" Archie informs him, although this causes pain to Jack about remembering Ianto. "Sorry. I didn't remember. He died, along with Owen and Tosh, right?" Archie apologizes. "I'm gonna grab some beer. Anyone want some?" Archie states, no one else wanted any, so he went to their kitchen.

Martha is setting up the work for the group on a separate table, while Archie gets some beer. "Red Bull, Larger, Mountain Dew, aha! Whisky. Fantastic!" Archie mutters to himself and returns to playing poker. "Now, this is where we play for real money!" Archie notifies his colleagues, while he shakes the bottle implying that they're going to be drunk.

Martha goes over to them with all the files. "No, we're not getting drunk. Archie can, though. We don't need him for this." Martha informs the group and gets the others to surround the rather interesting looking chair. "If you get drunk and go through... whatever this is. It can end exceptionally nasty." She notifies them. "So what is this chair, then?" Jack questions her, most likely the main question on Rex's mind, also. "I'm not sure. We don't even know if it's alien! You kind of go through your past and, well... relive an experience or moment or event in your life. We're not sure how it works, but we do know that does work and how to use it." Martha explains to them. "That reminds me of the Animus from Assassin's Creed!" Rex states, which also what it happens to roughly look like. "Oh yeah! That's the one with Ezio and Altair, right?" Mickey adds, as he has also played the Assassin's Creed game series. "So are we calling it an Animus?" Martha questions them. "No, we can think of something cooler. Besides, that'll be copyright!" Rex answers and they all try to think of a name, however they all fail to do so. "Ianto would've thought of something cool." Jack adds, bringing the emotion back into them.

Back in Glasgow (once the three had returned), they go over to the office building where Torchwood Two was. They enter the elevator and enter their special key to go to the very bottom. "You know, I was half expecting Bruce to be standing there. Waiting for us." James mentions to them as they go down. "I'm sorry, but I'm only coming here to drop off a few things and then I'm leaving to see Terry. I don't want any of you to bring up Bruce or Millie, alright?" Sophie explains to them with a bit of a temper. James understands and apologizes to her once they exit into the base.

Sophie does some work for 10 minutes and then leaves, without saying 'goodbye'. The two understand, as this is the first death for them in Torchwood (they've killed aliens, but haven't had other members die up until late). "So, how about that date then?" Isabella asks James, now they are alone. "Sure, what place? What resturant?" James quizzes her on where they should go to. "Oh, nothing special! Just any place, as long as we're together." Isabella replies to him. "You sound quite serious and generous about this relationship. Where do exactly see us going? With Torchwood and everything, it could end up being tragic. Like Romeo and Juliet." James explains, comparing them to Romeo and Juliet. "Well Romeo, I see us going quite far with this relationship and I am very thirsty, so could we go and something?" Isabella replies. "Come on then." James sighs and shuts down his computer and turns off all the power in the base; they don't expect to return today.

Martha continues explaining the chair to Jack and Rex, whilst Archie is getting seriously drunk. Archie looks outside the windows from the sofa and feels a bit queasy. He faints drunkenly on to the table. "There was some information on these aliens somewhere in the past of your Torchwood, Jack." Martha notifies him and brings shock to his face. "How? W-when was this?" Jack stutters, unaware of this occurrence. "There was some hacking on the files of Torchwood and your friend, Tosh, was trying to decode them, however she thought that she had finished with it, but those aliens had hacked it in someway." Martha explains to him. "How d'you guys find this out?" The Captain questions them. "Hey, Cap'n! Remember, master hacker, the guy who hacked into UNIT: Mickey Smith!" Mickey answers him. "So we'll need you to go back to your past and find out what it was." Martha informs him and sits him on the chair.

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