I Do - Episode 11

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"Yes." Rex answers Jack's question on bringing their friends back from the dead. "It's a brilliant idea, Jack. I think we should go along with it." Rex adds. "That's the first time you've called me Jack." Jack replies, noticing that he didn't call him 'World War 2' because of his attire. "Would it not be dangerous or create some kind of paradox?" Archie questions him, feeling as if it may not be too; despite he does want Millie, Bruce and Owen to come back. "Maybe. But this isn't going to stop me. Nothing can." Jack answers, determined that he will save his friends and make it so that they had never died and manipulating Archie and Rex into helping him.

Martha is tending to her husband (Mickey) and not too bothered about the others, unknowing of how dangerous the Blue-Eyed could potentially be. "You don't have to stay here with me, y'know." Mickey states, lying on the bed with Martha sitting on the side. "Oh, I do! I do." Martha answers. "You should finish  the work, question that guy or even try and find out more on these aliens." Mickey attempts to persuade her to leave him alone. "No. I don't need to-" Martha starts until Mickey cuts her off. "No, Martha. You will go and do other things, alright?" He says and, angrily, Martha leaves. Mickey looks away from the door, feeling regret, but also knowing what he did was right.

She decides to go and interrogate the Blue-Eyed man and see what he knows. "What aliens are you working for? What can you tell me about them? What are they like?" Martha quizzes him on information she thinks he'll know. "Aliens? I am not working for any extra-terrestrial life forms." He informs her. "Well... then why were you here? Why did you shoot at us?" She questions the Blue-Eyed man some more. "I was shooting at you guys for some unfinished business. Most notably with the Captain." The Blue-Eyed man confesses. "I needed to kill his accomplices and take him for Plan B. Which would take a long time, but now it's all been screwed up." He explains. "So, no aliens. No aliens." Martha clarifies. "That's right. No aliens. Just assassinating people who have fallen unto the wrong side." He adds. "And we're the wrong side, I guess. Well, to you anyway." Martha continues. "No, not to me. You are on the wrong side." The Blue-Eyed man notifies Martha, however this confuses her.

Leaving the hospital, Gwen and Rhys drive Andy home. "He could've walked or driven himself, man! We didn't need to do this." Rhys complains. "Look Rhys, I know you two don't exactly see eye-to-eye, but we're doing this because he needs our help." Gwen explains to him. "I understand, Gwen, I do. I just feel like we're overdoing it a bit, like. I mean, he's had enough looking after already; and let's face it: the only person who hasn't been carefully looked after is: Anwen!" Rhys brings up the fact that they aren't caring for their daughter as much as they should be doing. "Well, why don't you go back and bloody take care of her?!" Gwen continues to argue. "I would, but in case you haven't noticed we're in a moving vehicle and not close to our home!" Rhys replies. "Don't get sarcastic, alright!" She says. Andy starts feeling uncomfortable in the car with them now. "Just pull the fuck over, then! I'll take care of our daughter and you drive this asshole home. Now!" Rhys gets aggravated and Gwen gives in.

Rhys exits and starts walking home, in hope of finding a possible taxi on the way. "I'm sorry about him." Gwen apologizes. "No, Gwen. I'm sorry. He's right, y'know, I could've just walked myself." Andy apologizes to Gwen. "Could you? I mean, from here, do you think you could make it?" Gwen asks Andy. "Maybe, yeah." Andy answers and notices that she might want to kick him out and for her to return to her husband. "Okay, fine. I'll get out too shall I? You're good with the men aren't you!? Two men get into a car with Gwen and only 10 minutes in, it's only Gwen in the car!" Andy jokes around with her. "No, no it's okay. You don't have to get out." Gwen mentions, explaining that he doesn't have to leave as well. "It's alright, I'll go. Gwen, I insist." Andy insists and Gwen lets him go.

Gwen turns her car around after leaving Andy and picks Rhys up on the way. "Rhys, I am so, terribly sorry about that." Gwen apologizes to him as he re-enters the car. "It's okay." Rhys sighs. "I see where you were coming from and I... well, I just basically got you kicked out the car." She continues. "Just drive." Rhys says and she does so.

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