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Yona POV

I screamed in pain while trying my best not to cry, it was hurting like anything. I had thought it wouldn't hurt this much, but this? Was horrible.

My throat was sore from screaming while I was now tearing up, Beatrix by my side was trying to make me calm down by her soothing words.

But it was not working, Beatrix had a sad face, at the end she knew how much it did hurt at the birth time.

I was amazed now knowing that dear Beatrix had suffered this much pain, and not once but twice. She was truly a strong women.

The situation had started from the morning, me knowing that I was Labour had sent me the chills. I had called for Beatrix or more of screamed for her.

While she knew that we both have bonded so much in this much time that I was totally reliable on her in this hard time. With that she had changed her room for me, and taken the empty room beside my room.

I had thanked her the whole time for changing the rooms. About the kids, their were very excited about their siblings, to meet them was a dream to them now.

Back to the morning situation, I had called for Beatrix, she came running. I told her about that my water broke. She had simply nodded her head and rushed out the room.

While she was gone, I was whimpering in pain. She rushed back with 3 maids trailing behind her. One maid had a big bowl and the tools and the second had clothes, it was not clear enough for me to see what clothes? But maybe the babies clothes.

And the last maid had a big water jar in her hand. They rushed me to sit up. The blankets were removed and I was left uncovered with my bloody dress.

Beatrix rushed to my side and spoke, " Cordelia, we should call for Karl, for support". Just as I heard his name I said "NO, never. I would die in Labour but won't call for that jerk".

The maids had a look which clearly said what the heck?, as Beatrix noticed this, she spoke with a sight," Cordelia, you shouldn't speak about Karl like that, what if he heard you?".

"I don't care Beatrix and-Ahh!!", I breathing in between speaking and screaming as I was about to continue, I spoke again, " I'm fine just with you by my side not him I need, that jerk is not needed ".

Beatrix knew I was stubborn but this much, she didn't. She sighed and pressed my hand tightly to calm me and sooth my pain.

As my screams were all being heard around the mansion, Shuu and Reiji heard them and came to check why was I screaming.

They both stood at the door in their night wear, with a sleepy look. Beatrix looked at them. Shuu spoke, " mother, why is mother Cordelia screaming? ".

Reiji also nodded his head. Beatrix sighed and spoke," you both come here".

The boys came to Beatrix and she put both her hands on their shoulder and spoke, " Both of you see, mother Cordelia is giving brother to your siblings and for that to happened you both have to support her in place of Father,ok?".

At that both of them nodded their heads with eyes filled with determination. They both came on two sides where I was lying, Shuu on right and Reiji on left.

They both handle my hands strongly in a supportive way. Beatrix smiled at the sight of this and came to my side support me too.

While I have changed the course of the story, I had also gained trusted people by my side. With that I tried my hardest to push while the three of them spoke calming and supportive words to help me.

I WOULD SAVE EVERYONE AS CORDELIAWhere stories live. Discover now