Lady Romane(3)

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Yona POV-

I decided to calm her down first, "You are right Lady, I admit he is a disaster for all, but would it happen to be, that you know where she is right now?" I asked as I twisted the hem of my dress in nervousness.

She stared at me before she spoke, "Why do you wish to know? You are no one to her." She spoke as she crossed her hands over each other and placed them on top of her knees.

I swallowed at that as I closed my eyes and opened them again, "I am her friend, you may not know me... In the end, we are not that close-" As I said her eyes were down as if they lost interest in whatever I saying.

At that exact moment, I panicked like an animal trying to survive in a cage as I instantly screamed, "But that doesn't change anything! I consider her someone important to me and I want to help her!"

She looked at me with coldness as she spoke, "You have said that already and I am only verifying why the wife Of that man wants to know the whereabouts of his mistress?"
She smirked at that as she raised her eyebrows and stared at my soul.

This woman must be the first person to stare at me so coldly as if I were her mortal enemy... Come to think of it, I am her enemy, the wife of the man who ruined her niece's life.

Have I just realized now? How weird this looks for me to be looking for my husband's mistress? In truth, it would have been weird if I were the real Cordelia however I am not! I don't consider that man my husband so I should have no reason to do so yet the world doesn't know that I am not the real Cordelia. This thing contradicts itself, I am not Cordelia but I am.

I started at her teacup as this realization dawned upon me while the Lady stared at me, without me noticing, trying to find something in my eyes or so.

I looked up from her teacup to her as I decided how to respond to her words, "It's true that I am the wife of that man but your niece and I are in a similar situation, the man ruined my life too and my hatred for him does not vary in nature!" I looked at her with determined eyes.

She looked at me before she slammed her teacup on the table this time with the underplate. I shrank back as the loud noise echoed. As the teacup made contact with the table it shook for a second before it came to rest. Fortunately, there was no damage to the cup or plate. However, this was evident for me to realize that this was her anger towards Karl which she was taking out on me or at least exhibiting towards me.

The straightening back that I came with was no longer straight as I tried to not fear this woman. What was more astonishing was that she didn't use any force it was all her presence in the room that scared me, the maturity and hatred she had were something else.

I stared at the carpet wondering if even a drop of tea spilt down as I noticed a small patch near the table corner. Just then I heard her speak, "No need your worry, Jason will clean it". She said as she motioned for the butler on standby to come.
I was surprised as I raised my head to notice how her eyes were on me. It seemed that she knew my fear towards her. I knew one thing for sure if she hated me, I wouldn't be sitting her in peace so it seemed that her only purpose was to scare me or you could say warn me.

The time I visited before I didn't notice this side of hers, which I may say is due to the concern of her dear niece, I presume so. I may be clever a bit but still, I am a young girl who is unmatched by this kind of mature woman.

This time I looked at her and decided not to Cowar in front of her at all because I knew I had passed the test. It's hard to understand but she is similar to the noble, arrogant mother-in-law in novels where the setting is of old England of sorts. Where the male lead's mother detests or doesn't like the commoner heroine. As of that, I could understand her thinking a bit, unfortunately, Karl didn't have to go with anything, at least I think so.

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