bury the hatchet

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May 6th, 2019 (11:18am)

Rosé's boisterous hyena laugh filled the cafeteria as she clapped her hands trying to breathe normally again – her face red with amused tears, and her eyes squinted like crescent moons.

"Do it again, do it again!" she urged in a cackle.

"Can you guys stop?" Lisa complained with a roll of her eyes.

"So, I guess we're f-f-friends now and we can h-hold h-hwands" Bambam mocked in a stuttering kid-like voice that had Rosé almost rolling on the floor again.

"Yah!" Lisa whined, annoyed. "You guys suck"

But as she was sulking in her seat, it seemed as though the mockery wouldn't stop and in fact, once Jungkook arrived at their table carrying a tray of his own food, he joined in on the situation by asking a single question:

"Hey guys, what's going on?" he sat down and stole a fry from Rosé's hands, who had initially stolen them from Bambam's plate.

With a single glance around the table, and noticing the scarlet tint on Lisa's puffed up cheeks due to pouting, Jungkook quickly figured out what was happening.

"Are we making fun of Lisa again?"

"She was so awkward, dude! You guy's should've been there. I was trying so hard not to laugh in front of them" Bambam jested.

"Oh, fuck off! What else was I supposed to say?" Lisa barked while crossing her arms defensively. "I knew you were eavesdropping" she mumbled, glaring at her brother.

"You could have, I don't know, not friend-zoned the woman you've been fucking for over a year? What the hell is wrong with you" Rosé retorted as she took a sip of her coke, causing the guys to snicker next to her.

"Yeah, Lis. Friends? Really?" Jungkook added with a click of his tongue.

"But that's what we are!" Lisa insisted. "We were fucking, but not anymore. That's in the past"

"Pokpak, I caught you entangled on the couch with this woman. Give it up already" Bambam said, taking one of his fries from Rosé's hands.

The latter hummed in agreement while munching on her burger, which made Lisa groan out of frustration. She was happy to have her friends back, really. She was incredibly thankful that Rosé was finally acting like herself again, that Jungkook's grandma was getting much better so he had come back to the city, and that Bambam had gotten a job at a fancier place with a better pay and day shifts so they could hangout again at night. But in moments like these, all she wanted was to strangle them with a barbed wire.

"Guys, I think we should cut her some slack" Jungkook said.

"Thank you" Lisa replied.

"We should be supportive friends" he continued. "Lisa here is obviously still in denial"

"Denial about what?" the girl in question looked at him confused.

"You still think you're not a cheating hot Cheeto" Rosé replied casually as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"Yeah, and you're a dumbass" Jungkook added.

"And she's definitely not your friend" Bambam stated matter-of-factly.

Here they go again. It had been a week since Jennie had opened up to Lisa in the latter's apartment and, ever since, her friends couldn't seem to let it go – the subject constantly being brought up to laugh at her expense.

"For the last time, we didn't do anything. All we did was talk and we fell asleep together" Lisa grumbled. "As friends" she added pointedly.

"Yeah, and I gave Jimin a hand-job in his car when he dropped me off this morning because we're bestest buds!" Rosé chimed with a snark, in an exaggerated high-pitched voice.

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