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lisa m (2:04am): i eat ass
lisa m(2:04am): damn stupid autocorrect
lisa m (2:04am): helluur

Ruby Jane (2:06am): Real slick

lisa m (2:06am): it's true tho

Ruby Jane (2:07am): I'm sure it is

lisa m (2:07am): wanna fuck?

Ruby Jane is typing...

lisa m (2:08am): tick tock princess

Ruby Jane (2:08am): Don't call me that
Ruby Jane (2:09am): I was just taken aback by your bluntness

lisa m (2:09am): wait until you see what this mouth can do

Ruby Jane (2:10am): A child, a literal child
Ruby Jane (2:10am): Why are you even awake anyway? Isn't it past your bedtime?
Ruby Jane (2:10am): Do you just randomly text sexual propositions to complete strangers at ungodly hours?

lisa m (2:11am): a. that would make you a pedophile since you swiped right too
lisa m (2:11am): b. i'm horny
lisa m (2:11am): c. duh isn't that the whole point of tinder?

Ruby Jane (2:13am): ... fair enough

lisa m (2:16am): ...okaaaay, so?
lisa m (2:16am): what's it gonna be princess? yay or nay?

(Ruby Jane shared location)

Ruby Jane (2:18am): tick tock dumbass


A/N: Alright, this is just something I wanna try. Lemme know if you guys like it, any ideas or suggestions are welcome. Enjoy the story!

PS: Don't worry, this isn't a text fic.

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