v day

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February 13th, 2010 (10:58pm)

"Jennie!" the loud growl surged through the long halls of their house with power, making the older woman next to him shiver in fear.

Not her though. No, she only smirked and walked to the living room as if nothing had happened.

"Yes, your honor?" she mocked with feigned innocence, twirling a strand of her purple hair with her fingers.

He was tall and very intimidating. His eyes were burning with anger, his nostrils flaring and his ears blood red – he was fuming with uncontrolled rage. His hair was greying, and he had a strong rectangular jaw that gave him a tough look; he could put anyone in his place with just a glare. Anyone but his own daughter, apparently.

"Drop the smirk before I wipe it off you face" he threatened with his hand up in the air.

His wife gasped and her eyes widened. Jennie didn't flinch.

"Oh, is this how you control the bad guys, Judge Kim? With violence?" she raised a challenging eyebrow, making him even more exasperated.

"Jennie, please listen to your father" her mother pleaded, but she didn't care.

Jennie pretended not to hear her and just stared back at the angry man before her, squaring up her shoulders for effect. She was making sure he knew she wouldn't back down this time – oh no, she had had enough.

"Just what do you think you're doing, young lady? Someone told me they saw you drinking at the park today with him, and then I come to find you with this ridiculous hair! What are people going to think –"

"Oh boo-the-fucking-hoo, God forbid everyone finds out that Judge Kim's perfect little family isn't so perfect like he likes to pretend it is" Jennie interrupted with venom in her words. "And I would appreciate it if you stop sending your men to check on everything I do; I'm an adult"

"You're eighteen" her countered. "And as long as you live under my roof, you will play by my rules. Understood?"

Jennie scoffed, and he looked at her in disbelief.

"You will stop seeing this man immediately, and I don't want to hear that you've been hanging out at those places ever again" he then demanded in a low and stern voice. "And tomorrow I will take you personally to school, and I will pick you up after class. No friends, no phone, no laptop. You will not go out of my sight at any given moment, have I made myself clear?"

"And you really think I'm going to listen to your bullshit? Cause I'm done" she spat back with spite.

"Jennie" her mother warned, once again getting ignored by both.

"Watch it" he snarled, this time in a louder tone. "I said, have I made myself clear?"

"And what if I don't do what you say?" she challenged, stepping closer to his face with a scowl.

"Then you're no daughter of mine"

"Great. Finally some good news around here"


It happened so fast she didn't have time to brace herself, though she should've seen it coming. With her face turned to the side by the force of the impact, and the stinging pain on her left cheek, Jennie decided right there and then that she was done with this family. That had been the last straw; the perfect excuse she had been looking for so long – ever since she had met her boyfriend, to be specific. And now she had a perfect window of escape to get out of there and never look back.

And that's just what she did.

Laughing bitterly and holding back the tears that threatened to escape her eyes, she ignored the crying pleas of her mother, and the yelling of her father in the background. Jennie turned around and marched to her room, decided on packing her shit and getting the hell out of there as quick as possible. She couldn't risk giving her resolution any chance to falter.

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