Can't Run Away From Your Destiny

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(Bailey's POV)

I woke up this morning with someone knocking on my window and I was too tired to even turn my head to look. The consistent loud noise made me give in to look after having an internal battle with myself. Rolling my eyes in frustration, I notice that it's Dylan. I was so confusued because I haven't even asked him to talk yet. We have been avoiding each other since the fight we had and that's why I'm suprised considering the fact that he loves to hold grudges for long amounts of time. That's his way of letting people know when he's mad. Something is seriously off here. As I roll out of bed I realize that the noice probably woke everyone up! Oh shoot! When I opened the door he looked like he hasn't slept for days after we had fought. I didn't even know what to say so I gave him the biggest hug ever and that finally calmed him down. When we pulled apart, he just gazed into my eyes for a long time and I did the same. I was content where I was because at that moment I knew he was worth fighting for.

"Are you ok? I was going to ask if we could talk later today, but you beat me to the punch." I said trying to wrap my head around the fact that he is acually here. I missed him so much!

"Bailey, you wanna know the truth! I'm not fine. I spent the last couple weeks figuring out a way to explain the situation to you so you wouldn't get mad and hate me for the rest of my life. I haven't slept in so long that I can't even fully think straight. I care about you so much that it hurts and I don't want some stupid thing that I did to break what we have." Dylan said while holding in his tears. A part of me is still mad that he did what he did, but the other part wants to listen to what he has to say. 

"I understand that your not fine because I felt instant regret the second I got out of the car and I am truly sorry for the things that I said, but I knew that if you had the chance to explain, I would have forgiven you and in the moment, I didn't want to forgive you. I want to listen now, I'm ready. " I said shaking as I sit on the edge of my bed and motioned for him to sit next to me.

When he started explaining, I had know idea how much of this was forced onto him, but I was also upset that he never spoke to me about this. That he felt that he couldn't trust me with any of this. That in itself hurt more than what he accually did. If he had come to me, we could have figured out a way to avoid the inevitable, but he chose the path he is on now and what done is done.

At this point I just wanted to yell some more or even just cry, but I knew deep down that would only make the situation worse. My mind was spining out of control with different senarios, questions and thoughts that I couldn't retain or at least I didn't want to. I know that he had no choice, I get that, but I just wished he trusted me rather than hurting himself all because of a threat that Scarlet made.

During the whole explanation all he did was cry. All that was eminating off of him was regret, guilt, and an overwhelming amount of sadness. I felt so bad even though he was the one who messed up. All I wanted to do was give him a big hug and tell him that everythings gonna be okay, but something is pulling me back from that reality. I can't keep doing this to myself again and again. I always run back to Dylan the second things in my world go up in flames. I forgave him after his explanation but something felt off. Maybe it was just me, but I'm rarely ever wrong about these things.

Once we figured everything out and we forgave each other it was around 6:00 p.m and at that point I was getting tired. I don't know how I ended up staying the night and cuddling with Dylan but it happened and I didn't mind. His arm was wrapped around my waist like it was meant to be their and I felt safe in his arms. Eventually I was consumed with my thoughts and fell asleep with a smile implanted on my face.

Hey guys! I know this chapter was shorter but that's because I'm wrapping up the book soon. Hope you enjoyed my book so far.


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