Heart Break

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Bailey's POV

"Why not, I thought you loved me." He says acting calm which was a total shock to me.

"I do but I just can't do this anymore. All of this doesn't feel right." I said glad to get it off my chest but sad that Dylan had to hear it. Before he got to react I started up again.

"You need to know the truth, but can we go home first," I said feeling drained from today and the drama that has yet to come.

All I wanted to do was relax, but I know if I tell him about Henry and me, he would flip out. Also if I tell him about the Leah situation, then Dylan would punch her and she would be right where I would expect her to be, on the intercom, most likely the next day. All that I can hear is Leah's voice ringing in my ears saying " you have two weeks."

I only have one week left and have gotten nowhere. I have stuck in my thoughts the whole car ride back home which I think made Dylan uneasy. I just hope that we can be friends after I tell him everything that has happened since the party.

We arrive at my house which gives me anxiety because I knew that in less than 5 minutes he would know everything which severely scared me. We climb up the tree next to my window and enter my room. We didn't enter through the front door because my parents would ask too many questions beginning with why are you hanging out with Dylan and I didn't want to deal with that right now. Especially when I already have a lot on my mind as it is.

All I wanted to do was to get this off my chest. I sit on my bed and see Dylan cautiously sitting next to me. He just looks at me with deep concern and nervousness in his eyes, which makes my stomach tighten in fear of how he is going to react.

" Tell me the truth please." He said which makes a tear roll down my face. I don't want to lose him, but I know that I will.

"It all started when Henry and I went to the park to have our "talk" like we do every month to get stuff out in the open. I told him that ever since the party that you threw, it had felt awkward between us and he agreed. Then when Henry opened his mouth I was shocked at first. He confessed his feelings to me and that he had loved me ever since the dance when we were twelve. Then out of nowhere, he kissed me. We sat there for longer than we expected to but it was nice. He gave me a choice to be with him or not. I didn't say anything to him yet because I wanted to be honest with you first." I said seeing as his face turns from anger to sadness and defeat.

"I just...." I said trying not to burst into tears from what I just said.

" Do you love him?" He says which makes my heartbreak for Dylan. I do love Henry deeply, but I also care for Dylan and don't want him to get hurt in the process.

"Yes, I do," I said feeling relieved that I got half of my secret out in the open.

"So then go to him." He said still looking sad. I would give anything to run to Henry right at this given moment, but I know there will be consequences if I do. Especially if Leah finds out.

"It's not that easy," I said heartbroken and full of mixed emotions.

"Why not, he is literally right there." He said which makes me want to kiss him right now, but I know I can't.

"It's because of Leah," I said with a tear rolling down my face.

"How does Leah have anything to do with this?" He said which makes my feelings toward her intensify with hatred.

"Before the party even happened, she said that she would keep an eye on me and figured out that we were dating in secret. She knew that you were off-limits to me since your related to Henry. I mean since we were best friends and all. Also before Henry confessed his feelings to me, they broke up which gave her a reason to hate me and want revenge. She stalked us at the park and now has a way for everyone that I love and care about to turn their back on me, even you. I don't want that to happen so that's why I'm telling you all of this now and maybe we can tell Henry together if you're up for it. Also, we need to tell him the truth about us. Anyway, she came into my room and threatened me that if I don't get her back together with Henry, then she wouldn't hesitate to turn my life into a nightmare. When you saw me crying on the floor in a ball the other day, it was because of all of this." I said leaning against him which makes Dylan tense up at first but then wraps me in his arms for a hug. I finally felt at peace until he asked a question that I really didn't want to answer, well two.

"What is Leah going to do that can possibly be that bad? Also was Henry your first kiss?" He said which shocks me.

"Leah is going to somehow sneak into the room where the morning announcements happen and hack the intercom to play a recording of herself saying what I told you that I am playing both you and Henry, but she will make it sound more dramatic than it seems. The whole school will hear and embarrassment will follow me where ever I go." I said trying not to freak out but I think he noticed.

"Oh wow! I didn't think she was capable of doing something that drastic. I think we all underestimated her. Also the other question?" He said hoping for it not to be true but it was. I couldn't hold on to the answer to that question inside any longer. I was tired of all the secrecy between us. I just hope this doesn't damage our future as being friends.

"It's true, Henry was my first kiss," I said feeling my heartbreak inside my chest for Dylan.

"I knew it. Of course, I had to go and blow my chances with you one way or another." He said with anger in his voice. I could tell he was hurting and I couldn't help him.

"I'm truly sorry. I didn't mean for it to happen, but it did and it went by so fast I couldn't even retain it. The thing is that I don't feel ashamed or bad for it happening though because it was fate and meant to be. Can we still be friends." I said sounding broken and defeated.

"Of course. I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I wasn't in your life." He said

"Hey what if we were to have Leah think that she is getting back together with Henry, but in reality, we use him to get her back by making her life a nightmare. Maybe we can even get Scarlet and Jacob involved if their up for it." I said hoping that Henry will agree when I tell him everything tomorrow.

"I was thinking of something along the lines of that, but I like your idea way better than mine," Dylan says laughing.

"Are you in?" I said

"I'm so in!" said Dylan

Hey guys!! Thanks for reading my book, I really appreciate it! I hope you enjoyed my book so far, but I will not be posting the next chapter for a while. ✰✰✰
- samara.angelina456

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