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(Henry's POV)

When I woke up this morning all I could think about was what I saw last night. All I wanted to do was apologize for the way Dylan acted and that I did nothing to stop it. I wanted to hold her in my arms and never let go, but fate had another thing already planed out. I felt heartbroken at that point that she moved on so quickly even though I never did anything to cause that. All I could do at that point was cry. Dylan just sat there with me in the silence of my car and helped me with the pain. Sometimes the most important people in your life can't be relied on fully. It's sad to even think about because I really thought she was the one.

When I got home, I mostly cried and called my friends to get advice on how to deal with this hurt. I wondered how I was gonna confront Bailey about this. I know she cheated on me, but how could I hurt her? I love her so much and it kills me that I can't hate her for what she put me through. I mean the only way I can hurt her without acually doing anything wrong is to put something up on my instagram. Maybe she can feel the pain that I was caused. I have the perfect idea!

I woke up to the alarm on my phone which read 7:15 a.m. I normally try to get up around this time to be on time to walk to school with Bailey, but I didn't feel up to it today, so I got ready and left without her. I put on a blue addias shirt and basketball shorts and did my hair. It was so hard getting ready and watching Bailey through the window with her not knowing that I know. She looks so care free and I wish it could stay that way forever, but what she did broke my heart.

When I eventually got to school, I immediately saw Bailey getting confronted by a group of girls and at that moment I had forgot how stupid I was to put that picture up. I was just so hurt that I wanted her to hurt as well. This was a huge mistake! I tried to act clueless so I didn't give anything away because I just feel that girls have a sense for stuff like that. Like with Bailey, if you look off she automatically knows what's going on with me and its kinda freaky. I tried to avoid her in the hallway as best as I could, but of course with my luck I ram right into Bailey. I was gonna apologize or at least say something, but she sprinted to the bathroom so fast. 

The school day went by very quickly and I didn't see Bailey after see bumped into me this morning. I felt bad for putting up the picture, but what's done is done. To be honest I really don't know why I even feel bad because of what she did. The whole class all I was thinking about doing was taking her asside and confronting her, but how? Hours went by and no sign of her, but just as I was about to go to my car and leave, I see her about to pass me in the hall. I grab her arm and lead her into the cafeteria. The rest was pretty much a blur. All I could hear was a faint yelling and at that point I was struggling to hold back my tears as I tell her what I saw last night. The next thing I know I'm left alone in the cafeteria with my heart town out of my chest. How could she hurt me so bad, but yet still love her with everything I have? 

(Bailey's POV)

When I walked out of that cafeteria I had no idea that that broke our relationship as best friends and a couple. We even cut off all comunication which was hard considering that we literally live right next to each other. I had to start closing my blinds everyday, but I always snuck a glimpse of Henry ever so often. I missed him so much that it hurts. Why do I always make the stupidest decisions when my life is accually going well for once. Its been about a week and I'm already emotionally unstable. I usually only cry when everyone else is asleep and I know they can't here me. I espesially like to go for a walk before 7:00 so its not too dark but enough so no one sees my tears. 

After my walk, I had nothing to do since we don't have school because of some weird holiday thing. At this point I needed someone to talk to so I can be at peace and recieve some adivce. I scrolled through my list of contacts and dialed Leah. To be honest I don't know why I wanted to call Leah, but we've gotten closer these past few weeks so I feel like I can talk to her about this stuff. 

"Hey girl. How's everything going? I heard what happened the other day. Do you wanna talk about it?" She said which lifted a piece of the weight off my chest. It felt good to have someone that genuinely wants to listen and talk with me. 

"Honestly not so good. We stopped talking completely and it's all my fault too. He posted that picture to cover up the fact that I cheated on him with Jacob. He didn't want everyone to know, but he also wanted me to feel what he felt. What do I do?" I said about to ball my eyes out, but it was a silent cry. You know, the feeling you get when your so hurt that you want to scream but physically can't. That's what I'm feeling right now.

"Oh my God! How did I not know about this! What happened to make you do that?" Leah said sounding concerned and shocked that I could be capable of that much.

"Well after Scarlet's party and after being in a holding cell, I called Henry to pick me up. Dylan of course came as well. Once we got in the car, the thing that Dylan did to me made my bloodboil so I went off on him and made Henry drop me of on the side of the road. That's when I called Jacob to pick me up. Once I got in the car I  was so frustrated and mesmerized at the same time and it just happened. Me being drunk didn't help the situation either.  He leaned in to kiss me so I stupidly kissed back." I said in a whirlwind so I could get the yelling part of the conversation over with. Just as I was about to expect Leah to start full blown yelling, I hear a soft disipointed voice which made me feel worse about what I had done.

"Look I know what you did was the ultimate stupidest thing in the world, but you can't sit around and wait for them to talk to you again. You messed up, get over yourself and apologize to them and let them open up. With Dylan you need to let him explain himself and only then can you make up. With Henry you need to apologize and talk about it. I advise you to talk to Dylan first and then Henry, ok?" Leah said in a calm tone. To be honest, that's the best advice i've been given in a long time. I just need to take things one at a time. 

"That really helped me figure everything out. Thanks Leah for listening and giving me such amazing advice!" I said with a smile implanted on my face.

"It's my pleasure! You know, I'm glad were friends again after all that drama with Henry. Anyway talk to you later, bye!" Leah said.

"Ya me too! Bye." I said after hanging up the phone. I hope that Dylan and Henry want to talk to me after the way I treated them.

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