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Henry's POV

All that went through my mind the rest of the day was the kiss. I felt a connection between us that usually only happens once in someone's whole life. It was amazing even though it was only for a few seconds. I hope that Bailey and I end up together because I have waited a long time for this.

I started to develop feelings for Bailey when we were about 12 years old. It was the day of the dance (which was held for middle schoolers) and I had the pleasure of taking her as a friend of course. When she walked down the stairs, I saw her in a whole new light. Before, all she was to me was one of the guys, but ever since that day I have tried to tell her how I felt, but never got the chance to.

I was so relieved that I had finally told her how I truly felt about her. It felt like a weight was lifted off my shoulders that has been weighing me down for about 6 years now. I thought that she would tell me her decision about us if I came to her, at least I hope she does. After about 3 hours of waiting(I know, I'm impatient), I started for Bailey's window.

Right as I enter the room, all I see is Bailey curled up in a ball on the floor with Dylan's arms wrapped around her. They both look at me in shock, fear, and shame. As Dylan releases his grip on her arm, he gets up to talk to me about what happened. She just sat there crying and trying to wipe her tears with her hoodie. I wonder what could have happened that was so bad that it could have affected her so deeply?

"Did you hurt her!" I said in rage.

"Why would you even think something like that. I would never hurt her, you know that."Dylan said as he glances at Bailey.

"Well, I wouldn't put it past you," I said trying not to punch him.

"Look, I came into Bailey's room to ask her what the math homework was you, idiot. She was probably already crying before I found her like that. I didn't ask her what happened because I figured that she wouldn't talk to me about it, so I just sat there with her so that whatever she was going through, she wouldn't be alone. Ok?" Dylan said surprisingly calm, but I knew it was just an act so Bailey wouldn't see his true colors.

"Ok fine," I said feeling relieved that nothing happened between them because that would have really hurt me if something did.

"Get out please." He said while giving me a look of shame that made me think twice about what I had just accused him of doing. Before I left her room, I give her a look of sympathy and defeat. She glances back at me and resumes in her ball on the floor.

Bailey's POV

When Dylan came into my room, it was like something was telling him to check up on me. I was so relieved that it was Dylan and not Henry. I mean don't get me wrong I love Henry and all but what I really needed was Dylan's arms around me telling me that it would be okay. I knew that he wouldn't ask me what happened, because that's the kind of guy he is. He's just there for you and doesn't need details. Henry is totally different. He needs every detail and asks you questions so he can understand what's going on. He's very curious and that's what I didn't need at the moment.

He sat there with me for hours trying to help me calm down. I knew that I probably wouldn't stop crying until I felt safe from Leah. My mind was crowded with the thoughts of that intercom blasting in my hear, Leah's voice telling me that I only have two weeks, and still trying to find the right words to get Leah and Henry together. It was a wretched thing to do, getting Henry and Leah back together. It just didn't feel right. He should be with someone that he has chemistry with, a connection that will last, someone that's not me.

I just couldn't let Leah tell Henry and Dylan the secrets I have been keeping from them. It just wasn't the right time. I don't think anytime was the right time, but I don't want to lose the two people I deeply care about over a stupid secret. Then all of a sudden, I hear someone enter my room. It was Henry! I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw him staring at us so close together. I felt a tightness in my stomach that made me feel shame, hurt, and defeat. I feel Dylan's grip on me subside as he slowly gets up to talk to Henry.

All I heard was Henry yelling. It made me cry harder like never before. I felt like I would lose him forever. I expected Dylan to yell back starting a fight, but no. He spoke calmly like he knew what to say from the beginning. He made something up, to be honest, I couldn't hear much over my thoughts. Then the last thing I heard was Dylan saying "Get out please." It was calm but stern that made Henry step back. I looked up hoping that he had vanished, but instead, our eyes meet making me want to tell him everything. All I wanted was to get up and give him a hug, but I couldn't find myself to do it.

Then he leaves with no goodbye, nothing. Just a look of pain and relief. I stop crying and walk toward my bed to lay down. All I did was give Dylan a look to stay and he did. He laid down next to me and just looks at me. I stare back feeling something I have never felt before. I move over to lie my head on his chest which is surprisingly steady. I thought that he would be tense and stressed out from all that happened. I guess he can contain his anger way better than I thought.

As I started to drift off to sleep, I was worried that Henry wouldn't believe Dylan's made up story and that he would figure out the truth about us before I could get the chance to tell him. After that, all my worries and fears bottled up into one dream and fell asleep as tears form in my eyes.

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