Hidden Feelings

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Bailey's POV

It was finally the weekend and already I was in a time crunch. Dylan wanted us to go ice skating just the two of us, so we could get to know each other better. I wanted to say yes but, Henry wanted to hang out around the same time in secret, so Leah wouldn't kill us both. I was trying to figure out a solution, but nothing seemed to work. I always thought weekends were supposed to be fun, I guess not. I just get so stressed, out especially during times like these. Dylan calls me later in the day waking me up from my random afternoon naps. I really don't know how I end up falling asleep? I answer thinking it's about our plans.

"Hey." He said

"Hey. What's up?" I said trying to figure out why he is calling me.

"I just wanted to say that it's ok that you don't have the time for both me and Henry today. I thought I would make today easier for you." Dylan said making me smile. I never knew how selfless he was. The vibe I got from him years ago was a selfish player with decent grades. I guess you can't really judge a person until you personally know them.

"Thank you so much, your the best! I will make it up to you soon. Bye." I said quickly, so I could tell Henry I'm available today. As I head towards Henry's room, I look into Dylan's room which is the window next to Henry's. I see him doing the math homework that our teacher assigned us to do. I still haven't been able to complete it yet.

If you're wondering how we have the same teacher since I'm a junior and he is a senior? Well, it's because I applied for that class to get a better GPA. He looked so focused and I probably look like a creep starring at him. I don't know how I end up in situations like these. Anyway, I got to Henry's room and sat next to him in bed. He looks at me with mixed emotions that I can barely read. Normally I can read his facial expressions, but recently I can't.

"How are you holding up?" He asked me as I lean towards him.

"I haven't felt like this in a long time," I said trying to forget about what happened freshman year when I was asked out by Liam, you know one of Dylan's friends. I was in his room at the party. Anyway, Liam was dared to ask me out and then dump me in less than a week. I said yes because I was a clueless girl and got hurt. 
I have tried to forget about it but it doesn't work.

"Do you still love Leah?" I ask hoping that I'm not being rude.

"I really do, but I don't want to just stop hanging out with you. You're my best friend." Henry said.

"I don't either but unless someone talks some sense into her, we won't even be able to smile at each other in the halls," I said trying on to cry.

"What happened between you two? I mean you two were really good friends." Henry said.

"To be honest, I really don't know. I mean one second we're besties and then we're not. It's confusing. I said

I would talk to Leah about it before anything drastic happens to ruin what you previously had." Henry said. He gives the best advice, but it's usually easier said than done.

"I guess your right. Anyway, are you ready to go to the park?" I asked

"Yes let's go!" said Henry

We have this thing we do together that requires us to sit someplace quiet and let out old feelings and secrets that have been forgotten. We do this once a month and this tradition has been going on for about two years ago. I personally like the idea of having time to talk and sympathize.

As we walk to the park I'm trying to figure out what I'm going to say to, so I don't seem suspicious for not having anything to say when it's my turn. I mean I always have something going on but my mind is blank. Why can't I think of something?

I continue to think about it and when something comes to mind. If I try to divert the attention from me to Henry than I wouldn't have to think so hard about what to say. Maybe we can talk about why it feels weird between us? You're probably thinking, there's a lot of things to talk about, so why do you go straight to that? To be honest, these talks are supposed to be deep and personal, that's why these talks are special to us.

We always sit on the same bench near the trees because it's away from the tourists and I have always admired the trees. I glance at him to see if he's going to start this talk out or if it's going to be me. He looks so nervous yet calm at the same time.

"So I guess I'm starting it off," I said trying to sound confident when in reality we both know I'm not.

"Sounds great to me!" He says probably relieved that I took the risk and not him.

"Ever since the party, I feel like it has been awkward between us. I don't know maybe it's just me, but I wanted to put that out there." I said hoping that he wasn't weirded out by what I said.

"I thought I was the only one," Henry said relieved.

"Now I don't feel so weird," I said laughing.

"It's your turn!" I said watching his smile fade. That's not a good sign.

"Bailey I have been trying to tell you this since we were freshmen in high school but I have never had the courage to tell you this. I have had feelings for you since we started this " talk" thing. What I realized from this decision you made is that no one has cared more about me than you. You have set aside countless things to make sure our friendship was ok. That's why I fell for you. You're the most beautiful, smart, independent girl I have ever known and I hope you feel the same. You don't have to tell me anything until you feel the same way. Don't feel at all stressed out or worried. If you don't like me we can go back to being just friends. Also, I broke up with Leah because she was being rude and controlling."

" I don't know what to say. I mean I will need time to think about this. I'm just shocked right now." I said hoping this was a dream and not reality.

"Maybe this will make it easier for you," Henry said. He starts to lean in closer to me. Closer than he has ever come before. My heart starts to pick up and I pull away. I don't know why I did, maybe it was just a reflex. We end up just staring into each other's eyes and he pulls me in. Just as I was about to back away again, he kisses me. I have never been kissed before, so this is all new to me. His lips felt soft against mine like they were meant to be there.

Eventually, he pulled away and I just laid on his chest. The kiss was so perfect and I wanted it to last forever. It felt like hours when in reality it was less than a minute. Then it hits me, what am I going to tell Dylan?

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