Chapter Nine

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Fun Ghouls POV

"Ghoul, keep your dumbass awake! Open your eyes, we're almost out!" Party's voice is distant, but an anchor. I manage to force one of my eyes half open, recognizing Party in the driver's seat of the... car. Or something. It had a name I think.

"Ghoulie, I swear to fuck! Wake up!" I squeeze my eyes shut in pain and attempt to sit up properly. The car swerved around something, and I inhale sharply, noticing the stabbing sharp pain in my stomach. It seems to have just grazed me, luckily, but it didn't make it any less painful.

"'M awake..." I mutter, reaching for the glove compartment. To my dismay, it's empty. No emergency first aid kid. "Gotta be shittin' me..."

"I know, they cleared out the car. Take off your shirt and use it to put pressure, it'll help." I nod and bite my cheek in pain as I maneuver my jacket and shirt off.

When I finally have the clothes off I wad up my shirt and put it to the wound, which is bleeding slowly. It looks like the original shot cauterized it, and through moving I tore the skin and made it worse.

It wasn't bleeding a lot, courtesy the burn, but it was still bleeding nonetheless and it hurt like a motherfucker.

"I see the gate!" I look up and catch sight of the tunnel that leads out of the city. I laugh breathlessly and brace myself as we approach the gate.

The car rocks, jolting me and sending more pain through me as we plow through the flimsy, presumably plastic, bar. I hiss in pain, squeezing my eyes shut.

"How many are tailing us?" I ask to distract myself. Party checks the rearview mirrors.

"Two bikes and one van." I nod. I tie my shirt around where the wound is and grab my blaster, which was sitting on the floor in front of me.

"Ghoul- Ghoul, stop, you can't shoot at them. As soon as we're out of the city we can radio Dr. D and Jet 'n Kobra and they can help. You're in no shape to fight." They shove me back into my seat and I grit my teeth.

"Fine," I mutter, however as soon as their eyes are back on the road, I quickly roll down the window and aim my blaster at one of the bike's wheels.

"Ghoul! Fucking Destroya! Sit down!" I close one eye and aim for the front wheel. My shot is dead on and the bike flips forward before exploding.

I pull myself inside the AM and smile, breathlessly.

"One less bike." Party shakes their head and smirks. I see the end of the tunnel, and I'm caught completely off guard by the brightness of the desert. I barely remember it.

When my eyes adjust enough to open them, I'm assaulted by a flood of memories. Not all of them, but enough.

"Holy shit..." I mumble. "How did I forget...?"

A blaster shot flying past the window brings me out of my memories and I quickly go for the radio.

I find the right frequency and turn on the mic.

"Dr. D? Kobra, Jet? Anybody there?" I turn off the mic and listen for responses.

"Ghoul?" Dr. D sounds relieved. I smile and turn the mic back on.

"Doc, fuck it's good to hear you. Me and Party, we're on Route Guano, we've got a van and a bike tailing us, you wouldn't happen to have anyone there who could help us by any chance? I got shot earlier so I'm not the most reliable."

The radio is silent for a minute before the doc comes back.

"Jet, Kobra and Cherri are on their way. You kids hang in there, and Party you're in for one hell of a fight when you're safe. Kobra and Jet are rightfully pissed, as am I." Party unclutches one of their hands from the wheel to scratch the back of their neck nervously. I turn the mic back on so they can respond.

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