Chapter Six

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Party Poison's POV

They didn't come for me the next day. Ghoul still came for his regular shift though.

I should probably stop calling him Ghoul. He wasn't... he looked like Ghoul and sounded like him but that was a stranger. That wasn't Ghoul.

"Please don't be quiet again." I looked up. Maybe- maybe he wasn't completely gone?

I shut down that train of thoughts quickly. He was gone. I had to keep that in my head, that isn't Ghoul.

"Aww, miss my voice, Ghoulie?" I hear him snort.

"As if, you're just being all weird again. It doesn't suit you, and while I hate your obnoxious voice it's worse when you don't talk." I smirk.

"Nah, I think you just miss my voice. My beautiful, lovely voice." He groans, making me grin wider.

"You mean to say that I hate your extremely obnoxious-" The door beeps, interrupting him and making me hide a laugh. Unfortunately, it also signaled food. My demeanor changes fast as my smile drops and I glare at the tray as it's pushed through the door.

"Don't even try to make me eat it. I am not getting drugged up again." I felt the internal pull, both from hunger and the addictiveness of the city's drugs. I ignore both.

"Wasn't planning on it. But it does remind me..." I look up curiously from where I was picking at my fingernails and watch him pull something from a strange new bag he hadn't been carrying the other days.

"Wait is- did you steal power pup just so I would eat something?" He stands and walks over to hand it to me. I watch him pop open the can with a small pocketknife that he apparently kept in his stupid fucking drac suit.

He walks over to me and holds it out with the fork off the plate of food stuck into the dog food.

"How am I supposed to know this isn't something you and BL/I planned to get me to take more of the drugs?" I slowly grab it and sniff it. It smelled normal. Well, disgusting as always but normal.

"You don't. I just don't want you to starve to death, plus you know I hate it when you get all quiet and shit. Isn't normal." He doesn't move to go back to his chair and instead sits at the edge of my bed.

I stare at him, skeptical but take a bite. I chew it slowly (trying not to cringe because honest to the Phoenix Witch herself, the shit was disgusting) and when I didn't taste any meds, I swallowed and took another bite.

It was almost comforting. Like a piece of the desert almost. A disgusting yet familiar piece of the desert.

"What does it taste like?" Ghoul asks while I chew.

"Like absolute shit. I don't know, like dog food? It's nasty as fuck." He laughed quietly, running his hands through his hair and letting the now partially grown out strands fall in his face.

I can't help but stare because that- that was Ghoul. That wasn't "Frank" or whoever the fuck BL/I turned him into. That was Ghoul. And he was beautiful and amazing and destructive in the best kind of way.

"What are you staring at..?" I blink out of my thoughts and look down, focusing on the food.

"I dunno..." I see Ghoul pull his feet onto the bed and sit criss cross in front of me, clearly turned towards me.

"Oh I get it you were checking me out!" My head snaps up as my cheeks flare bright red.

"I was not!" I sputter indignantly. "You just- your hair and shit and like- you laughed- I was not checking you out!"

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