Chapter Four

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Party Poison's POV

"Rise and shine! You have a full day!" I jump and reach for a ray gun that isn't there. The woman was dressed in formal attire, her brown hair pulled back into a high ponytail. I threw up the sheets and pressed myself against the wall.

"Get away from me! You fucking hurt Ghoul!" She sighs and shakes her head, smile still plastered to her face.

"No, we fixed Frank! He's much happier and he can live safely with us from now on!" I quickly stand up and brush past her to the other side of the room, ignoring the dizzy spell it gave me.

"You ruined him..." I hiss. "He was fucking perfect! I loved him and you fucked it up! You fucked him up!"

"Whatever twisted things are going through your mind, we'll help. Today, we will be... removing those disgusting clothes, cutting your hair, giving you your first weekly injection, and giving you a psychic evaluation." I touch my hair, almost offended.

"Fuck off! My hair and this outfit is a part of who I am, you'll take it from me over my cold dead fucking body!" She tilts her head. She was like a robot, it was creepy. No normal person behaved like that.

"I'm afraid you won't be dying for a long time, you're too valuable an asset!" I tense when two of the four dracs that she entered with begin approaching me.

"DON'T FUCKING TOUCH ME!" I scream. They pause for a minute. My eyes flicker between the two of them and in a split second of panic I make a decision. I tackle the drac to my right and bring my elbow down hard on the far left of their forehead. They're unconscious almost immediately.

I stand and quickly swing behind the second and keep a tight chokehold on they're neck. The two remaining draculoids come and try pulling me off of their friend.

After the one in my arms goes limp I drop them and work on prying one of the dracs off me.

They hold me by the neck, almost like the previous now unconscious drac, except instead of choking me they're holding my head back, exposing my neck.

I thrash and scream, trying with everything in me to get them off. I gasp when I feel the needle plunge into my neck, and feel my body go limp before I'm gone.

I groan and try sitting up, noticing immediately my arms are strapped to armrests. My eyes fly open against internal protest, and I look around frantically.

I'm wearing a plain white T-shirt and white baggy pants. And my hair is short and black.

"YOU MOTHERFUCKERS!" I scream. Party Poison, without their signature red hair. I can't fucking believe it.

"Ah, good to see you're awake. You've been out for a while. While you were asleep we dressed you appropriately and cut your hair. We had to wait for you to wake up to do your evaluation, and then you'll be given your medication." I look down at my hands and notice I'm only strapped at my elbows. It'd be easy to slip my hands out and then maybe find Ghoul.

If I could knock him unconscious, maybe I could get him back to the desert, and Jet, Kobra and I could somehow help him bring his memories back. Maybe we could get at least some version of Ghoul back.

"Fuck off." The doctor doesn't look up from his papers.

"Alright, let's begin. How anxious do you feel daily, on a scale from 1 to 100?"

He questioned me for what felt like hours. I quickly learned I wasn't leaving unless I answered.

"And that concludes the evaluation! I'll be looking over the answers and be informing the people in charge of your rehabilitation of the results as soon as I know. Good luck with your injections, Gerard." Something hurt about being called by my old city name.

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