Preceding Catastrophe

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When Arthit got back to the school premises,he got a very quick shower and took some painkillers since his head was aching very bad and on top of that,his ass hurts like fuck,he had no idea why and how his ass can hurt that much but after the pain recided,he pulled out the money the tanned guy gave him,he sat on his single dorm bed and started counting the money.

After counting the money, he noticed it could pay all his debt in school and also get to feed from it for at least a few months or so,he couldn't get more excited,that meant, he won't call home to bother his parents for money for anything,they can be able to rest. While still holding the money,he saw Rome coming so he immediately hid the money,no,he didn't hide it because he wanted to keep it to himself. Actually,Rome knows his life status,he knows how hard his life is,he knows his family's financial status,there is noway he will believe Arthit got such amount of money from his family or from some part time work,the money is quite alot.

He didn't want to tell Rome about what Mika did to him,he knows how Rome will make a huge mess out of it,Arthit doesn't want to worry him.

Life in school resumed,Arthit learned hard,he always made his teachers proud,he is too brilliant and makes their teachings easy,Rome too helped him study always. They had no time for anything unnecessary,anything apart from learning,sleeping,eating and doing assignments was considered unnecessary to them,they had an aim in life,they know what they were working towards,they had something to achieve,they have families to make em proud,they have goals and it stops for nothing or for no one.

Two months later,Arthit woked up one day,he suddenly had the urge to puke very bad,the past month,he had been feeling a bit dizzy but he kept ignoring it,thinking it might be the aftermath of his continuous studying without rest,the final examination is just a few weeks ahead,he didn't want to stop learning for anything but today,the nauseous feeling hit him too hard.

He rushed to the bathroom and puked absolutely nothing but bile into the WC, after relieving nothing but some bitter substance,he brushed his teeth,showered and got back to bed

For the first time in forever,he felt ridiculously tired,he didn't feel like going to class today,something he had never done before. He is always present in class,he never missed lectures and planned to never miss it but today,every muscles within him felt like rubber. So he just got under his blanket and slept off,he was woken by Rome.

"Hey Oon,why are you still in bed? Are you okay?" Rome sat on the edge of Arthit's bed and asked worriedly,he was already in his uniform but it seems Arthit was still covered up in bed.

"Am fine....just a bit nauseous....that's all." Arthit sad weakly,his voice sounded so low. Rome brought his hand on Arthit's forehead to check his temperature but he didn't seem to be having fever.

"What about letting me take you to the infirmary?"

" have to go to class....I will be me...please..." Arthit said making Rome frown. Trust him? What the fuck does that mean,he doesn't even trust himself to be well and he wants me to trust him? Rome thought annoyingly.

"I will absolutely not trust you,get your sick ass up,we are going to the infirmary and you are not saying no,come on...up up up...!" Rome said loudly and helped Arthit up,Arthit was too weak to go against Rome so he obediently let Rome help him dressed in his school uniform and then they went straight to the infirmary,which wasn't that far from their dormitory. Upon arrival,a beautiful woman,who is the doctor attending patient from the school greeted them with a warm smile,there were about five or so infirmary in the school and each one of them where near the students in case of any sort of emergency and each of them also has one professional doctor and two nurses to take care of the kids.

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