Chapter 3

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That's my dad!

Haha, what? That's not your dad. He's not even real!

Hey, don't say that. She doesn't have parents you know. She pretends it's her dad. Just let her live in her fantasy.

Hahaha, what a loser !

Wow, she's a freak.


(Y/N) tossed and turned in her bed. She opened her eyes and shot them wide open, sitting up. She swung her head toward the wall-hanging clock and realized she was going to be late for her Anger Management Class. As much as she hated it, she didn't want to be late.

She shot out of bed and ran towards the bathroom. She quickly brushed her teeth and splashed her face with water. (Y/N) dried off, hurried downstairs, and jumped out the door. She quickly slid down the rope ladder and ran toward class.


"I'm here!" (Y/N) yelled out as she barged into the room. Everyone turned towards her and looked at her curiously. "Am I late?" She asked as she caught her breath and walked to her pillow seat.

"Yeah, about thirty-five seconds," Chuck replied.

(Y/N) squinted at him as she huffed. "Shut up, Chad."

He frowned and furrowed his eyebrows. "It's Chuck!"

"Yeah...yeah, Chad, Chuck. What-whatever," (Y/N) muttered to herself.

Matilda started class and they did some exercises, similar to the ones they did yesterday. Luckily, no explosions this time.

After doing some physical exercises and teaching the angry birds how to release their anger in more positive ways, Matilda moved on to the next activity. She looked over at (Y/N) with a smile. "So, (Y/N). Do you have your poem?"

(Y/N) looked over at Matilda, confused. "Poem?"

Matilda slightly frowned. "The one where you're supposed to write about and share it with everyone? The one I assigned yesterday before everyone left?"

(Y/N) let out a gasp. "Ooooohhhh...that poem," (Y/N) said slowly. "Shit, it's around here somewhere," she mumbled as she started to pat herself, looking around her area.

"You forgot didn't you?" the white bird asked with disappointment.

"No! I--yeah, who am I kidding? I totally forgot. Sorry," (Y/N) said apologetically, giving Matilda a shrug and a small smile. She was so tired from yesterday, it slipped her mind.

Matilda sighed. "It's fine, it's fine." She then turned towards Bomb. "Bomb, do you have your poem?"

He stood up and pulled out a piece of paper. "I do!" he said, smiling.

Matilda clapped her wings together and grinned. "Would you like to share it with us?"

He nodded and cleared his throat. "'If my name were Bobby, would you ask about my hobbies?'"

"Wow," Matilda whispered as she had a huge smile on her face as her wings were together up against her cheek.

"'Or if my name were Judas, would you ask me what my mood is?'"

Red covered his face and groaned.

Bomb continued, "'I laugh, I cry, I love, I hate. I do so much more than detonate.' Think of it," he said, pointing at the birds in front of him, he plopped back down onto his pillow seat and seemed to get emotional as his beak quivered.

The Angry Birds Movie x Reader A Bird's Tale (RED x READER)Where stories live. Discover now