A Love Story

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A Love Letter to the Love of My Life

I've been having trouble expressing my feelings to this man in my life and I thought writing would allow me to do so.

I never thought I'd find love like this before. I dreamt of it when I was younger and definitely wished to be swept off my feet as I watched those around me, fall in love. I felt like I was getting left behind and that I wasn't worthy of love. Growing up, I was sheltered and I would consider myself lucky to have the life I had, but I wasn't really given much attention and affection. And I didn't truly address that until I met him. I didn't know I needed so much of what I lacked in my childhood and I wasn't aware of how it would affect my relationships growing up.

I met him at a really terrible time in my life, I didn't admit it then but looking back I was. I was miserable and I was lonely. I felt unworthy of love because it seems like no matter how much I gave to those I loved, it just wasn't enough. When I met him, he was a breath of fresh air. I remember how we met like it was just yesterday. I was sitting on the toilet in my parents' bathroom, I was so lonely I was reaching out to someone who hurt me so much. But I met this wonderful man on an app, I remember accepting his message and we talked from there.

I remembered telling myself, wouldn't it be funny if I ended up with him? It was just a passing thought because I was so uncertain about my life at that point. But this once in a lifetime encounter, turned into a beautiful friendship that I was very fond of. It took a while but we clicked almost instantly. If he only knew how he saved me from making the worst decision of my life, he took the leap and told me that I deserve better and that I was worth so much more. And with that I was able to let go of love that was unhealthy for my soul and I was able to freely be myself.

He was the light of my life then and he still is the light of my life now. I started writing here because I get so overwhelmed whenever I write my letters, I have such a hard time being able to express how much I appreciate him because he changed my life. He was merely a dream I had and now I am able to live that dream because I was blessed with a man who takes care of me and so much more.

More than two years later, he's still in my life. He's now my partner and my lover. I can truly call him my best friend and my everything. He's the best person I've ever met. I love him so much, he's my entire world.

For the first time in my life, I can truly say that I experience pure and deep love. And that's because of him. Our love had many phases throughout the years, there was that new love, when we were still learning each other. Even in the first few months, it feels like we've been together for years and we thought we couldn't love each other anymore but we did. Everyday we still learn to love each other more and more...

Maybe it's too late but this is my love letter to him. This is my love letter to you my darling... I'm sorry it took forever but here it is finally. Turns out I cry lesser when I am writing from a third person point of view. But writing like that meant not knowing the best details of our relationship. Our love comes in many ways, it's seen and felt in the little moments. It's in the moments when we first pick up the call and we're both excited to hear each others' voice. When we have to go but we've been saying goodbye for a good minute and I don't want you to go just yet. When we're about to fall asleep and you whisper to me and tell me how much you love me. It's in the moments when we're reminded of the other because one of the songs we listen to came up. As I was writing this, Blues Man and Turning Page played and it made me think of you, it brought me back to the time you sang it to me. It's in the moments we think about how we started off. Love is in the moments we save the memes we saw, to laugh together later on. It is in the moments when we're talking about our childhood, our little stories before we met each other and when we're talking about the topics that matters but is hard to talk about. It's in the moments we talk about something as deep as our fears to even trivial things that may not matter to others.

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