Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

Jeremy tried to ignore the tense situation between Lisa and Rachel. He knew Rachel well enough to know when her sarcasm was masking some other emotion; in this case she was angry. He couldn’t figure out what she’d have against Lisa so maybe it had something to do with someone else. He hoped it was the latter guess.

When Rachel went outside Lisa turned to him and asked, “Does she hang around all the time?”

“She lives here.”

Lisa’s expression shifted to shock and quickly into curiosity, maybe a little disgust but he wasn’t sure. “Really? Why?”

“After some problems at home my mom offered her to stay permanently. It’s not a big deal.”

“It is a big deal, Jeremy. You live with another girl and hang out with her all the time. I’d be crazy not to be worried about that.”

“Worried?” He stared at her beautiful face and her meanings started to show themselves. “No, there’s nothing like that between us. She’s my best friend and like a sister to me.”  Jeremy chuckled at the thought of anything romantic happening with Rachel.

“I like you and I want us to keep seeing each other but I don’t want my heart broken.” Lisa’s words were firm, she was a focused girl who liked everything her way and when it wasn’t she wasn’t afraid to voice her dislike.

“Nothing’s ever happened between Rachel and me.” He meant what he said, there was nothing romantic with Rachel and as long as it stayed that way, and he knew it would, there was nothing to worry about. Lisa would understand as time passed.


Rachel was pacing around the kitchen eating one of Mrs. H’s daily made cupcakes. All the anger she worked off sparring with Jay was back with renewed force. Lisa outside making puppy eyes at Jeremy was nauseating.

The house was like her and Jeremy’s private domain, their bat cave, and the annoying girlfriend shouldn’t be breeching the perimeter! “I hate her guts.” She reached for another cupcake, this time choosing the one with green icing instead of blue.

“Who do you hate?” Jeremy stepped into the kitchen.

“The usual suspects. Where’s the princess to your prince charming?”

“She had to get home for dinner.”

“Ah. That’s so sweet of her.” Rachel held back gagging on her words although very tempted to do so.

“Are you going to tell me why you’re upset?”

“I’m not upset.”

“Yes you are. Your words are tight and you’ve eaten three cupcakes since I’ve been standing here.”

“That’s not anger, its hunger. I have issues sometimes and you know that, it’s not a big deal.” Rachel hated the sting of guilt in her chest when she lied to him. Lies were for the greater good and she knew it was better not to tell him the truth about her dislike for his crush on Lisa. Like everything else in her life she’d find a way to live with it. Who knew, maybe one day she and Lisa could be friends or something. The root of her problem wasn’t even Lisa’s fault to begin with. “I’m mad that you keep ditching our plans.” She confessed minutes later.

Jeremy joined her at the counter with the cupcakes. “I’m sorry Rach, I didn’t think you would mind.”

“You didn’t even ask. I get that you’re evolving into a social person with a girlfriend and that’s cool but don’t push me to the side for her. If we make plans you have to keep them.” Talking about her emotions wasn’t something Rachel was used to but as she confided in Jeremy about them she felt better. If they didn’t talk about it nothing would change and she wanted it to change, she wanted him to remember her.

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