Part 6

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Dick’s POV

“I can’t believe you told him!” Babs cried
“I couldn’t marry you knowing that he didn’t know,” I justified, “It wasn’t right.”
Babs stopped her pacing of the bedroom and looked at me carefully, before coming to sit besides me on the bed.
“You’re sure?”
“Of course,” I replied, “I wouldn’t have done it if I hadn’t been sure. Besides, your Dad won’t tell anyone. He knows that it could put all three of us into great danger.”
Babs sighed, “You’re right. I think I wouldn’t have been able to handle it either.”
She smiled at me, “Thank you.”
“For what?”
“For being sensible.”
We sat in silence for a bit.

“I think I might tell him too,” Babs said, eventually.
“Tell him what?”
“You know,” she replied, “That I’m Batgirl.”
I looked at her in surprise.
“I mean, I’ve been Batgirl since I was 12. That’s eight years that I’ve been going out every night, risking my life for other people, and he hasn’t known about it. That’s too long to be keeping that sort of secret from him.”
I smiled at her.
“I’ll come with you then.”

Telling Barbra’s Dad, a high ranking police officer, that she was one of the many vigilantes that had been running around, risking their lives for years, went down as expected, only in the completely opposite way. He didn’t shout or anything, just stared at her in disbelief and fear.
“It was you,” he said, quietly, “It was you this whole time.”
Babs nodded sadly, “Yes.”
“And you,” he turned to me, “How long have you known?”
“Since she started,” I replied.
“And does Bruce know about the two of you?”
Babs and I glanced at each other, which he noticed.
“What? What is it?”
I wasn’t sure how to reply, but Babs did it for me.
“Um, Dad, have you ever heard of the ‘Batfam’?”
“Yes,” he said slowly, “It’s supposed to be Batman and all his protégés. Why?”
I stared at my shoes. Babs looked at the floor.
“Have you ever thought that they might be a family in real life?”
Jim Gordon stared at the two of us.
“Are you telling me,” he said, slowly, “that Gotham’s White Knight is also the Dark Knight?”
“Yes,” I replied, quietly.
The commissioner stared at the wall in shock. After a few minutes, Babs spoke up.
Dad,” she asked tentatively, “Are you alright?”
“Yes,” he replied, looking up and giving her a small smile, “Just letting everything sink in.”

After a few minutes more silence he spoke to me again.
“So it was you,” he said, looking at me mischievously, “parading around in tights and pixie boots.”
“Yes,” I chuckled, embarrassed, “I was 9.”
“When you started?”
“That still doesn’t excuse your fashion choices.”

2 months later

Babs' POV

"Do you, Barbra Gordon, take Richard Grayson to be your lawfully wedded husband?"
"I do."
"And do you, Richard Grayson, take Barbra Gordon to be your lawfully wedded wife?"
"I do," Dick replied, gazing straight into my eyes with his sapphire blues.
"I now pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss the bride."
Dick gave me a brief, goofy grin before leaning forwards and our lips met. The guests cheered. Once we'd pulled apart, I looked up at Dick, who was still grinning like a schoolboy. I grinned right back at him, feeling so blissfully happy, I thought I was going to float on air.

Dick took my hand in his, and I felt the coolness of the metal we now both wore on our fingers. Bruce, who stood next to Dick, handed Gabriel over to me, and I took him in my other arm. He was dressed in a miniature tux, and looked exactly like a younger version of his father, especially considering that they were both wearing the same outfit.

With Dick and I both smiling broadly, and with Gabriel in my arms, all three of us walked down the aisle and into our new life.

3 months later

Dick's POV

I couldn't believe it. It had been three months since Babs and I had gotten married, and it was Gabriel's 1st birthday. My little baby boy was already a year old!

We held a small party for him at the manor, on Bruce's insistence, and invited Wally, Artemis and Sophie as well. Babs' dad was there too, of course.

Sophie and Gabriel had become firm friends and, despite their age, spent a lot of time playing together.

Something else happened during the afternoon.

Babs and I were sitting on the sofa with Gabriel between us. Wally and Artemis sat opposite us in a similar position, and Bruce was trying, unsuccessfully, to separate Tim and Damian, who were having another fight, a common occurrence at the manor.

Into the, somewhat, peaceful setting, a red-helmeted man came striding into the living room through the door as if he owned the place. We all stood up defensively, and I pushed Babs and Gabriel gently behind me.

"Who are you?" Bruce demanded, loudly.
"Relax, B," the man replied, his voice sounding robotic through the helmet, "I just came to say 'hi'. No need to get all on the defensive."
He glanced around the room, eventually locking eyes on Babs with Gabriel in her arms.
"Hey Red," he said, with what I think was a hint of a grin in his voice, "congrats on the kid."
Babs gasped in surprise, although I wasn't sure why. The guy came walking towards us.
"Get away from her," I growled.
The helmet looked at me assessingly.
"So you're the great Dick Grayson. Really, Red, I thought you could have done better."
I stared at the guy. Who did he think he was?

Babs, surprisingly, seemed to answer that question for me.
"Jason?" she whispered breathlessly, in disbelief.
I glanced back at her. She was looking at the newcomer with hope in her eyes.
The man before us paused, before lifting his arms to his head and removing his helmet.

He was revealed to have black hair, with a contrasting streak of white in the front, and pale blue eyes.
"Hey, Babs," he said, grinning, "long time, no see."

1035 words

Not my greatest work. That wedding science was really awkward to write. Also, I really wanted to add Jason in, but wasn't sure how to do it, and this was the result. I hope you've enjoyed this and please remember to give me feedback! It's greatly appreciated! 🥰

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