Part 1

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Dick's POV

I didn't return to Gotham until about 2 years later, by which time both Babs and I were 18. We had kept in contact, over the phone and via email, but I still missed her physical presence.

In the two years since I'd left Gotham in exchange for Bludhaven, I had become pretty well known as their new vigilante, Nightwing. There was even a billboard with a pretty good picture of me on it, announcing, "Nightwing, Protector of Bludhaven." I chuckled to myself every time I saw it.

Bruce and I had not spoken since I'd left, although I was sure he had tracked me down, being the 'World's Greatest Detective' and all. I had kept an eye on his public life though, as both Bruce Wayne and Batman, the most noticeable things being his adoption of 2 boys, Jason Todd and Tim Drake, and the revelation of his biological son, Damian Wayne. I supposed that they were technically my brother's, although I had never met them. Batman, on the other hand, had gained a new Robin, who I supposed must have been Jason, the oldest of the three.

Jason, in the end, was the reason for my return to Gotham.

I had been checking up on Bruce, when I came across an article written only that day, mentioning the fact that Jason was meant to be going to the same boarding school I had, supposedly, gone to, and the whole thing just didn't sit well with me. It felt, ominous, so I decided to return to Gotham to find out what happened. Besides, Babs was long overdue for a visit, and it would be a nice surprise for her.

I quickly packed a gym bag with all my essentials, grabbed the car keys, and began driving for the hour long journey to Gotham after two years.

As I entered the outskirts, I noticed that not many, if any, changes had occurred. It was unsurprising really, considering that it was Gotham.

I decided to try Babs' apartment first. It was a recent purchase to which she had given me the address over the phone. It was in a pretty nice suburb, and by nice I mean one that had typically less crime than the others.

I entered the lobby and took the stairs to the second floor, where I quickly located Babs' apartment number. I held my hand up to the door hesitantly, before giving a brief, strong knock. I heard shuffling sounds from inside, and Babs' muffled voice announcing that she was "coming". She opened it swiftly afterwards, and it took her a moment to identify exactly who was standing in front of her.
"Hey Babs," I grinned, "long time, no see"
She stared at me for a moment, and I took the brief interlude to notice the redness of her eyes, as if she had been crying. I frowned. Did it have something to do with Jason "going to boarding school"?

"What happened, Babs?" I asked, before she could get a word in.
"Dick," she breathed, "wh-why are you here?"
"I heard about Jason "going to boarding school"," I replied, doing the inverted commas in the air with my fingers, "and I knew there was something wrong about it, so I came to see for myself. Also, I just wanted to see you. It's been 2 years."
Babs gave me a watery smile, "It has been too long," she agreed, "you're over a head taller than me now, and I see your detective skills are still pretty sharp."
"What happened?" I repeated.
Babs stepped aside to allow me entry into her domain, and I noticed the boxes still in corners from her recent move into the apartment. The two of us went and sat down in the sitting room, sitting side by side on the sofa once again.

"Jason," Barbra began, tears clearly evident in her voice as she swallowed, "Jason was killed, last night."
"What?" I cried, "who did it?"
Babs swallowed again, struggling to stop more tears from flowing, "He went out on his own, thinking he could stop him by himself, but he was captured."
"By who?" I asked, afraid of the answer I felt fairly sure was coming.
"The Joker," Babs sobbed, unable to stem the flow any longer, "he, he beat him up, with a crowbar, and the whole warehouse blew up before either Bruce or I could get there."
The tears were cascading down her cheeks now, and she buried her face in my chest, as I wrapped my arms around her, rubbing my hands in soothing circle motions on her back. Only once she had regained control did I speak.
"I'm sorry," I uttered, quietly.
"What?" Babs asked, confused, "What for?"
"If I had been here, then maybe…"
"No!" Babs said firmly, her mood changing rapidly, "You are not blaming yourself for Jason's death. His death, is entirely on that stupid clown's consious!"
I know," I sighed, "but still, I wish I could have been here, at least have gotten to know him, but Bruce…"
"Bruce misses you, Dick," Babs said, gazing into my eyes, "He won't admit it, but he does. Recently, he's been discussing all the things the two of you used to do together, and the memories you made." she smiled, "And often, when he's training the others, he compares them to you, mentioning how you would have done certain things. There's a reason Jason's nickname for you is "Golden Boy." She paused before correcting herself, "Was."
I sighed again, "I'm sorry, Babs," I said, "for not being here, for not even visiting for 2 years. I'm sorry I never got to meet Jason, I'm sorry I wasn't there to save him when he needed me, I'm.."
"Dick," Babs said softly, cutting me off, "It's alright. All that matters, is that you're here now."
She gave me a small smile before she continued, "Also, another good reason for you to be here is to support Tim and Damian. Although they may not have gotten along all the time, and often fought, they cared for Jason. His death has hit them really hard. Tim has been training for a few months now, and with Jason dead, he will have to step up as both Robin, and as an older brother to Damian. They need you, Dick. Bruce as well. He's blaming Jason's death on himself, immersing himself in the case to protect himself from grief. He needs someone to lean on."
I listened to her words carefully, before giving her a brief nod, "Alright. I'll go there this afternoon."

Keeping my promise to Babs, both she and I arrived at Wayne manor at about 2 o'clock that afternoon. Babs got out of the passenger seat and walked straight over to the large, mahogany doors and waiting for Alfred to open them, with me following straight behind her. Dutifully, the doors were soon opened by Alfred himself, who showed no surprise when he saw me standing besides her. Alfred stepped aside to allow the two of us to go inside, informing us that everyone was to be found in the sitting room.

Babs entered the room first, I following behind her, where I was met with the faces of one falorne boy, and a stone-faced Bruce and younger boy. All three of them looked up when we came in, and there was a slight flicker of surprise on Bruce's face when he saw me. The other two looked at me in non-comprehension.
I gave Bruce a small smile, "Hey, Bruce. How are you holding up?”
“Alright,” he replied gruffly, “Why did you come back?”
“I heard about Jason,” I replied,softly, “I’m sorry.”
“Father,” the younger boy, Damian said, addressing Bruce loudly, “Who is this heathen?”
I glanced at Babs to check to see if such language was normal from the 7 year old. She shrugged, so I assumed it was.
“You’re,” Tim began, looking at me closely, “you’re Dick Grayson, aren’t you?”
I smiled at him, “Yes, I am.”

1345 words

So, here's part 1. Forgive me for any mistakes. I wrote this at 1 o'clock this morning. I am actually quite pleased with this chapter. I hope you enjoy 😊

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