Part 3

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Dick's POV

It had been a year since I last saw Barbra. I felt bad about the time spent away from her. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't get her out of my head, so I decided to return to Gotham.

The first place I went to was her apartment, but there was no one home, so I decided to try Artemis' house. She and Babs had always been close, so I though she might have been there. I pulled up into the drive and knocked on the door, waiting for someone to open it. What I found inside, surprised me completely.

Babs' POV

"Are you sure I can't help you with anything?" I asked Artemis, who was busy stirring a pot on the stove while holding Sophie on her other side.

"I'm fine," she replied, "besides, you have Gabriel."

She gestured to the black-haired, blue -eyed, three month old baby boy I held in my arms.

"When's Wally getting back?"

"Soon," she replied, "he'll be here for dinner."

"Would you like me to set the table in the meantime?" I asked.

"If you wouldn't mind," she replied.

I set Gabriel down on the floor amongst his toys, where Brucely proceeded to lick him, causing him to giggle. I went and got the silverware from the kitchen drawer and began to set the table for 3. There was a knock on the door.

"Is that Wally?" I asked.

Artemis shook her head, "No, he wouldn't knock. He'd just barge right in."

"I'll go and see who it is then." I said, setting down the cutlery on the table and walking over to the front door. I opened it, and was shocked to find Dick standing there.

"Babs!" he said, "I'm so glad to see you!"

He embraced me in a hug, which I gratefully returned. I had missed him a lot since he'd left, especially after Gabriel...

"I'm sorry," Dick said, looking at me ashamedly.

"What for?" I asked.

"For, for staying away for so long. It was wrong of me, I shouldn't have."

I smiled at him, "it's alright Dick. Besides, it's partly my fault too. I could have contacted you as well, you know."

"Thanks Babs," he grinned, "Do you think Artemis would mind if I come in?"

I tensed slightly. He didn't know. What was he going to say? But I guessed he would have to find out someday, and now was as good a time as any.

"Sure," I replied, "Come inside."

Dick's POV

I walked through into the kitchen, Babs going in before me, where I found Artemis finishing setting the table. The thing that surprised me though, was that there were two small babies sitting playing with Brucely on the floor. The first one, a girl, had fiery red hair and steel grey eyes. The other one, a boy, had dark black hair and bright blue eyes.

"Who was at the door, Babs?" Artemis asked, turning towards us. She stopped when she saw me standing there.

"Um, Babs," I asked, "whose kids are those?"

Babs walked over and picked up the boy.

"He's mine," she said, "The girl, Sophie, is Artemis'"

"You, you had a baby?" I asked, stunned, "what's his name?"

Babs gave Artemis a strange glance, and Artemis nodded slightly in return.

"Gabriel," Babs replied, "his name is Gabriel Grayson."

I stood there in shock. Grayson? That meant...

"You mean that, that he's.."

"Yes," Babs replied, "he's yours."

I felt like falling over, before I came to my senses.

"Why didn't you tell me?" I asked,quietly


"Why didn't you tell me, before I left."

"You needed a break," she said, "I could see that. If I had told you, that would have made you stay."

"But Babs," I said, "You're much more important than that. You should have told me."

"I'm sorry," she said, "truely."

"It's alright," I smiled, "what's past, is past."

Babs smiled at me gratefully and came to stand next to me, holding Gabriel in her arms.

"Here,"she said, quietly, "would you like to..?"

I nodded slightly, and Gabriel's small frame was transferred from her arms to mine. To my eyes, he was absolutely adorable. He smiled up at me, and I smiled warmly back at him. Babs smiled at me too.

"This just feels so, surreal," I whispered, as Gabriel cuddled up to my chest.

"You'll get used to it," Babs relied, stroking Gabriel's soft, black hair.

The whole time we were standing there, I had completely forgotten that Artemis was there as well.

"You guys are so cute," she said, giving us a mischievous smile, "he looks just like you, Dick."

"What about Sophie?" I asked, "Who does she get her hair from."

Artemis looked slightly awkward.

"Well," she replied, but she never got to finish, as she was interrupted by the front door being banged open and heavy footsteps heading our way.

"Artey!" the new arrival called, "I'm back! Where's Sophie?"

The newcomer swept into the room, spotted Sophie on the floor and went over to pick her up. I stood in shock at the identity of the new arrival, Sophie's dad.



"You're alive?"

"You're here?"

"How?" I asked, "how are you alive?"

"Turns out," Wally shrugged, "that I wasn't actually dead, but stuck in the speedforce. Uncle Barry managed to. Get me out about a month after you'd left, which resulted in this precious thing."

He cuddled up to his daughter.

"I see you've met Gabriel," he said, gesturing to the bundle of warmth in my arms, "He looks just like you, dude."

"Yeah," I replied, smiling at Babs, "so I've been told."

885 words

And some more. Please feel free to give me feedback.

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