Chapter 8

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Flashback to the end of the last chapter

Izuku's POV

"Of course, I will and now I have a chance to use the nickname that I have for you 'Izu'," He said Izu in the most seductive voice that I have ever heard.

All I replied with was, "As long as I can call you 'Sho'," I couldn't really believe that I had just said that but, I have been wanting to call him that for so long, "Well, now look you have two little girls that you get to take care of."


Izuku's POV

There was a small moment of silence before Sho decided to say something, "So, umm, Just warning you that I do have a little girl of my own. Just after you had left to go to America, Sir Nighteye and Bubblegirl were doing patrol and then she ran right into them. We ended up doing this big raid to get her back. the only reason that I ended up with her is because she can't control her quirk and so it would be safer for her to say with me as I can take her quirk if it gets out of hand. If I am correct, she should be with either Nezu or with Nem," By the end of Sho explaining the fact the he had a daughter to me, I was crying because he was so sweet to just take this girl in on the spot. "Oh, and you will be staying in the teacher dorms, Nezu is aware of the couples but you will have to stay with me, and our kids will stay in the room next door to us."

I nodded and then headed back to the office as I really didn't have anything to do today as all we were really doing was introducing ourselves to the class. We also needed to go and unpack our stuff, so I walked into the office to only be meet with three little girls. "Hi Nezu, I am here to pick up my girls and take them to go and unpack at in their dorm and I am sure that they are sharing a room with Eri and I am sure that you guys have already met so that is good. I am Izuku Midoriya, also known as the Pro Hero Titian," I explained as my girls come running up to me. 

"Hi Dad, are we leaving now?" I nodded and watched the faces of my girls turn from a smile to a frown.

"Sadly we have to leave, but if you want Eri could come with us. But Eri you have the choice to come with us or wait for your Papa here," I said hoping that she would come because I hate seeing my girls this sad and it makes my heart hurt.

"I want to come but, I need to tell Nezu and Papa were I will be so that they don't freak out if they find that I'm not there," I love her already and when Sho and I do tell them that we are together, they are going to be jumping with joy.

"Well, why don't we leave a note here for Nezu, and then we can go and tell your Papa so that he knows too," I spoke while looking for some paper as she was nodding to say yes as a reply.

I quickly found paper and wrote Nezu a note telling him that I have taken Eri as she and my girls didn't want to leave each other because they had just made friends with each other. I finished and nodded to them signaling that we were heading to Sho's class to tell him that I have Eri. I looked back at my small family trailing behind me and they were chattering behind me. I knock on the dorm and wait before I hear a come in. I tell the girls that they need to stay outside for a minute or two. I walk back into the classroom to see that Sho is about to get into his sleeping bag. He looks at me with that look that is just asking 'what do you want'.

"I am just here to tell you that I'm taking Eri with me back to the dorms, and yes before you ask we have told Nezu so that he knows," I say simply before leaving the classroom.

I nod at the girls and head towards the dorm

Time Skip to after they have finished setting up the dorms. Izuku did have much as he is staying with Shota but he did have to redo Eri's room for all three girls to be able to fit in there. It's still Izuku's POV

 It's still Izuku's POV

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Sho's and Izu's Room^

Eri's, Kanno's, and Arita's Room ^ But the Red is a lilac colour and the orange is a soft blue colour and there are toys

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Eri's, Kanno's, and Arita's Room ^ But the Red is a lilac colour and the orange is a soft blue colour and there are toys

I am very proud of what I have done with the rooms. I had to redo Eri's room completely so that I could get all of the girls beds in that room but in the end it ended up looking great in my eye. 


Word Count - 1002

Hi Problem Children,

I am really loving the support the I am getting on this book and I wanted to say a thank you for all of the people that are reading this book. I also wanted to say thank you for all of the votes and reads that I am getting all of of my other books, I really appreciate this as these books aren't getting updated at the moment but they are still getting love and I think that that is really awesome.

From the author of this book, AizawaFam

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