Chapter 7

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Flashback to the end of the last chapter

Izuku's POV

"No way, it can't be. Problem child?" Aizawa or should I say Shota as I am now his co-worker, asked.

I take the mask off, "The one and only, Aizawa sensei," I spoke in such a sweet and innocent voice that I could see the fact that my friends were cringing at it.


Izuku's POV 

"I'm back," I say as everyone but, Uraraka and Bakugo were celebrating for the fact that I was back in Japan after being away for a couple of years.

I paused time again, before walking behind Uraraka's seat. I let time continue as normal, before I bent down to whisper something in her ear, "Well, Well, Well. If it isn't the bitch that decided to tell the whole school that I was gay." I then walked over to Bakugo and then whispered something into his ear, "And the guy who thought that it would be funny to tell everyone that I was quirkless, just because I don't use my quirk that often."

I walked up to the front of the class so that I could join the sins. I looked back at the two and their faces were so weird and they actually looked scared. I chuckled to myself and then looked to Shota to see if he was going to tell us what we are going to be doing today, but he just looked at me, dead in the eyes, and I would guess that he was looking at me to tell them what we would be doing, this then caused me to blush and so I put my mask back on to hide it.

After Class had finished and it was now lunch. Still Izu's POV BTW

I was so glad when the bell rang, I walked out the class and then went back to the principle's office to get my girls because I want them to meet the other staff that are at this school. Once at the door, I knocked and then walked into to see that my girls were laughing? no it was more like chuckling with Nezu which at this point was scaring me. "Kanno, Arita. I am going to take you to meet more of the staff that work at this school and the person that I am going to be working with in the class room who's name is Shota Aizawa, if you wanted to know," I say as the snap their small heads to face me.

They get of there seats and come running over to me, before engulfing me into a family hug. "Dad you came back, I thought that you had left us here," Arita said with a small tear in her eye.

"Of course, Arita, I would never leave a child with him, now do you want to come and get lunch?" I asked knowing that they were going to want food.

They both nodded and we head towards the teachers lounge. I opened the door, and the room that was full with chatter was now dead silent. "Who are you and why do you have two very small children with you?" Toshinori asked, and I felt hurt that Shota didn't tell them.

"Oh I should introduce myself and my girls, but I am a bit sad that you don't remember me. Any way, The two girls that I have with me are mine and their names are Kanno and Arita Midoriya, and yes they are twins, they are five. As for me, in America, I am known as Titian , but my real name is Izuku Midoriya," I explained as I took off my mask again for the second time today.

"Izu," 'Zashi screamed using his quirk, tackling me into a massive hug.

I hugged back of course as I was now really happy that I could now be working with and be with my best friend that I could ever ask for. I heard another pair of foot steps coming from outside that door before it opened yet again. When it opened, I was met with a familiar face, that was the face of Kei. "Kei, what are you doing here? I thought that you were going to go over to America and help my father?" I asked with a tint of excitement in my voice.

"Well, I got a call for Hisashi telling me that he didn't need anymore help and I have a lot of free time and so why not try and become a teacher here again," Kei said shrugging off the fact that there were still other people in this room.

I was glad that Dad had found some help over there, and I was also glad that I could spend sometime with who I think of as my uncle, where he is really just a friend of my parents. Oh the reminds me that I need to ring or go and visit my mother and tell her that I am in fact back in Japan and so that she doesn't ring Dad and ask him... Let's just say it will end with me getting yelled at by my mother and I don't really like it when she yells. Oh I also need to tell her that she is a grandmother to my two girls.

Aizawa's POV (Yay a POV change for once I know awesome)

I'm going to have to tell him, I don't think that I am going to be able to hold in my feelings for anymore time, because now I will have to see him everyday until the class graduates. God, he's just so cute and he was so strong the last time that I saw him. With him being a pro hero, I can bet that he's even stronger than before. That's it, I'm going to tell him now, I just need to get him alone.

"Izuku, I need you to come with me, we need to make a plan for class," I say in a cold and emotionless voice.

All he did was nod, and followed me as we headed back to Nezu's Office to drop off the girls that I do hope will one day become my daughters. Once we were back to the class, I took a deep breath before deciding to speak, "Izuku, I didn't pull you out of there to make plans for the class even though that is something that we need to do. I wanted to tell you something in privet," I took another deep breath before continuing, "Izuku, I like you, like really like you. I think that it could be love but, ever since that first time I laid eyes on you, I fell for you and I fell hard. When you revealed that you were back at the beginning of the day, I was really happy. I wanted to ask if you felt the same because I don't think that I could have held in my love for you anymore," I full on just monologed.

Izuku's POV

Did - Did, Shota just confess his love to me, I don't really know what to say but, i should just say that I like him because I do.

"I know that you might not believe this, but I really like you too. Now that I know that you like me, I wanted to know if you wanted to be my boyfriend?" That's, That's what came out of my mouth, Oh My God, he's going to say no I can just feel it.

"Of course, I will and now I have a chance to use the nickname that I have for you 'Izu'," He said Izu in the most seductive voice that I have ever heard.

All I replied with was, "As long as I can call you 'Sho'," I couldn't really believe that I had just said that but, I have been wanting to call him that for so long, "Well, now look you have two little girls that you get to take care of."


Word Count - 1439

Hello Problem Children,

It's been seven days since the NaNoWriMo challenge has started and I have been doing good. I do hope that you are liking this story because I am working as hard as I can on it. I am doing my best and I am taking up the time that I would usually use to read on Wattpad to write you guys this story. I just checked the reads on this story and compered to yesterday, they have risen by a lot.

For the author of this fabulous book, AizawaFam 

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