Dont take candy from strangers

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After the other lessons which I astonishingly didn't get in trouble for I made my way to the detention room. I hate detention because there's always one person I hate to see there, Joe. Joe and I used to be friends but decided after 8th grade that the varsity football team was his calling to life. striding through the empty room I wait for the janitor. see I've been here so much I've made friends with the janitor... wow. he's pretty chill about the whole 'you got caught doing shit,' and if I'm lucky sneaks me out and in the school grounds. he's a pretty bomb ass janitor.

After 10 minutes Mikey comes in glaring at me for giving him this punishment. 'it's not that bad,' I shrug off the more glares that come in reply. well someone today's on their meriod (man period). Soon 3 more guys were dragged in. literally. Usually you picture kids walking in but no, Miss Kriesch was dragging them to the old dusty room. that teacher has always been a physco and I am not over exaggerating. She has a pet rat in her drawer at school. My life goal is to NOT turn out like her because I might not be good at a lot but that doesn't mean I'm gonna go keeping rats in cupboards.

the 3 boys trudge in and sit next to Mikey, saying hey as they went by. I'm guessing they're either friends or those really happy friendly people, but judging by the long black hair, guyliner, and tattoos on the shorties arms, the first option seems pretty good. after about 2 and a half seconds of awkward silence the janitor came in. 'Hey lav,' he nodded as he passed a pack of starburst to me. I know you shouldn't take candy from strangers but when you see a person almost daily I don't think 'strangers' is the right terminology.
'Hey broom man, my allowed to get out today?' Hopefully I wouldn't have to stay with these awkward anti socialists any longer.
'Sorry, can't risk those dipshits telling,' at the word dipshits the tattooed one turns around, almost like someone called his name. I chuckled to my self and he glared.

The janitor, Mr B as I call him, decided to do the questions. casually but fiercely, like in a cop show, he walked up to the desk. I've been through this so many times and each time we put on a hell of a good act. Sitting on the desk he stared over us and, cleared his throat. 'I think you all know why you're here today,' I mutter the words as he spoke, 'so enlighten me on your screw ups,' he walked over to me, and I pulled on my best 'I'm-terrified-but-trying-to-not-let-you-know-face' just to fuck around with the others. 'So, Lavendar,' he pretends to mock my school given nickname, 'what did you do?' Ok show time.
'Flirted in class,' I looked over at Mikey who looked confused and surprised, finally an emotion compared to that poker face.
'Well that was slutty, you little whore,' most people would be offended if someone said that, but i know this is only part of the intimidation game. I counted to three and moved my head as he fake-slapped it, falling off the desk to add to the drama. We shared a 'I'm okay' look and he continued to move to the next person, the one with the Afro.

Out of all of them the Afro one was the most laid back, almost not giving a fuck but in a caring way. Once Mr B had gone to intimidate him the long haired one came over. 'You alright,' it was more like a statement than a question. I pushed off him and went back to my desk, I'm not gonna accept his pitiful kindness, nope. after about 10 minutes and 4 scared shitless boys mr B left, sneaking me a cigarette on the desk. Before I can hide it the long haired one sees. 'Hey what's that?' I snatch it so he can't see and stuff it in my bag.
'None of your business,' but he's already figured out its a cig.

Lavender//Gerard Way. (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now