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I'm basically the school's bitch. not bitch as in Regina George-omg did u see tiffany. bitch as in the rebel, the outlaw, the bad-ass. the one who teachers give up yelling at because it makes no difference. my brother isn't proud of me, but i don't really care about that. hence my position. i get good grades though, the teachers don't share that because they think it might encourage kids to be like me.

You would assume i am cocky, outgoing, confident. no. I'm very insecure actually. The only reason i don't speak much is because I'm too shy. I also wear my hair up because I'm afraid i'll look ugly with it out. and i wear thick make-up for the same reason. but not caked on, clown faced make-up, i make sure of THAT. The only thing thats not midnight black about my style is my hair. It's purple, lavender to be exact. my real hair is brownish-ginger. i dye it lavender for my father.

He got shot, saving our family from a thug. that was in Detroit, before we moved to California. Mum died from depression 3yrs later. by then my brother was 19 and able to get a paying job to help raise us. Me, nor my brother have depression. My brothers happy and has a really nice girlfriend, she's the only non-family person i trust and be the REAL me around.

The real me is a very colourful person, while i still like my studded leather jacket with all my heart, the real Hayley loves tank tops and denim shorts too. Not many have seen this Hayley. until, he came

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