My assholeness made him blush

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You would think anyone who wears as much black as I do would be considered emo and picked on. ha. Those jocks might be dumb but I don't think they're that stupid to pick on someone with who has more studded things than Jack Barakat has bras. I guess sometimes being a sad sarcastic shit helps. So while I walk in late to my first class, I don't have to worry about being tripped or shoved.

Barging through the doors of a advanced algebra session late would probably be the most satisfying feeling, especially when you hear the teacher groan and mutter 'not this one' again. ' ' 'Nice of you to join us lavender, have a seat next to Michael,' The teacher, Mr Barnes (I know unoriginal af) choses to welcome me through gritted teeth
'Love ya too Barzney!' I called out plonking my butt in the spare seat next to the so called 'Michael'. He looked reasonably good; tall, skinny but strong and a very strong jawline and pointy-ish nose that looked very good on him. he had brown hair slicked back but the sides forward. I wonder if he's a flirt, probably not by the awkward glances and shy aura he gives. Well I'm still gonna have some fun and mess around with the kid.

'Hey I've never seen you around, why?' I lean over and whisper to him. I can tell it's working by the startled blush forming on his cheeks. aww.... my assholeness made him blush.
'I-I don't hang around, I guess,' Michael responds very monotony (is that the word? Idk do I care? No) 'I'm Mikey' he introduces
'Well you already know who I am,' I say half-heartedly. Not to brag but I'm pretty well-known. who am I fucking kidding im known because most teachers hate me and I'm the only person in school record to start a fire in home economics (true story).

Before I can ask Mikey something else Barzney coughs up and calls me out.
'Lavender, please explain to the class why you are distracting another student,' oh it's on douchedick.
'Well Barzney,' I emphasise on the nickname he hates 'I assumed Mikey was a good person, and I have learnt to never assume so I wanted to check my theory,' I try to sound as sophisticated and respectable as possible. and I can tell it's getting to him.
'well you can prove you theory with him in detention,' oh game fucking on Barzney the bitch.
'No because Mikey won't be there,'
'Well now he can,'
'STOP IT!' Mikey hisses at me from his desk 'JUST ACCEPT IT,' ugh no I hate detention even though the janitor lets us do what we want there. I stomped back down and glare like a motherfuvker to bitch ass Barzney for the hour.

Lavender//Gerard Way. (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now