Franks a fake gf

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~~ Crappy Recap~~
Ok so the Gee wants to meet up with Lavender and the teacher saw them passing notes and Lavender now has to read the note.
~~crappy recap over~~

'Thou heart beats with tremendous pace every time you open your eyes. The way you look at your enemies and the ones you truly despise,' I start off, putting on my ever-so-glorious English accent and earning snickers and nudges from students around me, getting there friends attention to see the spectacle unfold. 'Especially Miss Pearce, that mousy bossy bitch,' Miss Pearce was infuriated and 5 seconds away from a complete melt down. 'So I propose we end this poem and the rest of class we skip,' I finish, bow- or more like curtesy because of the 'ugly colour of skanks pink', grab Gerard and walk out of the room.

Miss Pearce didn't follow me, she knows it's not the effort. Besides I will see her next week, and I'll deal with her later. I guide Gerard to the end storage room, which smelt like old people and paint with a tint of piss, no matter how much air freshener you use. Gerard sat down on one of the stacks of chairs while I stood against the wall. 'You shouldn't sit there,' I tried to start conversation 'it's where Henry got his first blow.' He quickly jumped off the seat in disgust while I tried to hide the fact I'm internally laughing my ass off.

'What'd you wanna talk to me about?' I composed myself from my internal laughing spree and give my focus to the guy that stood before me. Correction, the dorky idiot that stood before me, ugh he is so annoying at times.

'Well, I sorta need to ask you I favour,'
What? His mum honks his gay and I need to pretend to be his girlfriend?

'What? I'll let you know I expect payment.'

'Well my cousins got family reunion-' he paused to see if I can see where he's going. I can see where he's going. And I don't like it. 'And my grandma-'

'Thinks you're gay so I have to go to be your girlfriend? No, I'm not going.'

'Please, you-'

'NO I DONT EVEN WANT TO KNOW YOU LET ALONE BE YOUR GIRLFRIEND! ASK FRANK IF YOU NEED A CHICK,' why I snapped at him I don't know, it's just, I have a reputation and if it falls, I'm in the lockers. and the lockers are like the Starbucks line if high school, meaning they suck.

I'm sorry for the bad chaps but I'll figure something out soon!! I swear I just need to get my shit together on this book. Oh yea I'm posting a teaser if my Patrick book so check it out if ur a fob fan and if ur not u suck.

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