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"Grayson! Get your arse in here boy!"

His fathers tone was hard as he called him from the stables. Something was wrong.

"Be right there Dad!"

Oh shit! Of all the times to knock over a feed bucket. He looked at the horse in front of him who stood defiant as she waited for her promised meal.

Hurriedly he scrooped up what he could before throwing it into the feed bin and taking off out the door. He'd come back to sort it all out properly as soon as he could. Right now he needed to get to his Dad.

He took the steps two at a time and rushed through the door as his father sat down at the table with a glass in his hand. Hardly looking at his son he motioned to a chair beside him.

"Dad what's wrong?" his teen heart broke at the solemn look on his fathers face. Sitting down, he waited.

The old rusted clock on the wall ticked louder than he'd ever heard it before.

"Son, I was in town today and Mrs Mitchell came up and told me you were taking that Josie to the school dance."

Grayson nodded happily "Yes I am."

"Why am I hearing it from a stranger?"

"The Mitchell's aren't strangers Dad..."

His father slammed his hand down on the table.

"That's not the point! Why didn't you tell me boy?"

"I just haven't had the chance Dad."

His father sighed and shook his head.

"I'm not stopping you this time because it'll make me look like a fool... but never do that again you hear?"

Grayson nodded as he felt ashamed. His fathers anger was justified.

"This girl... Josie... what does she mean to you?"

Grayson's eyes lit up at her name.

"I really like her Dad."

His father sighed while shaking his head.

"Have you not listened to anything I've told you? After what your mother did..." he paused "all women are whores Grayson. Don't be sucked in by a pretty face my boy. Look at your mother. Stunning on the outside but the truth about her is very different. She's a whore just like every other woman. Her heart is black."

Grayson sat listening to the man whose wisdom had shown him the truth about his family situation. He didn't want to believe that Josie was like all the other women but his dad was older and much wiser than he could ever be himself. How could he be so stupid to fall into that trap?

"You're right Dad. I wasn't thinking..."

His father looked at him as the relief showed on his face.

"Good man! I understand that men have needs boy but you need to start out with the power and keep it. You're attracted to this girl so make sure she knows who's in charge. Don't let her take control Grayson. Be the man. Don't give her the chance to whore around. Dont let her stray too far from you boy or she'll fuck every one of the male species she comes into contact with. Stay in charge."

Grayson sat up straight in his seat and with a determined nod that gained his fathers approval he knew what he had to do. His father was right. If he wanted Josie to be only with him then he'd man up and take charge. He'd be the man.

"Be the man" he whispered as he lay back on the dewed grass looking at the stars thinking of the past.

"Fuck him! "

Being the man isn't all the rainbows it's cracked up to be... He lost her. Now she was with someone else, they had a child. A child he wished was his.

His mind burned with the question...Why did she want to see him?

Could he let her leave?

Hostile Resolve - BK3 TPBS 1st Draft CompleteWhere stories live. Discover now