Chapter 21: Shark Bait

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"Sir!" We jumped and turned to Eren who had stormed into our meeting room.

"Armins right...Reiner and Bertholdt are Titans." I rose a brow in surprise.

"If...they are. Then surely they would have taken you...or something." He nodded.

"They want to recruit me... But they know you'll see it coming with your..." he tapped his head.

Erwin gestured for him to join us and I sighed under my breath.

Something tells me that I won't be having a day off after this.

Honestly, what else does this world have to test me with? It's already given me two murder attempts in the same day, and killed off a bunch of my friends, taken my memories... what else?



"Do you think you could do it? Play the bait?" I sighed and nodded.

"Fine. But I'd better get a pay raise. It's been a mad few months as it is."

"That's the spirit!" Hanji cheered and Levi glared.

"It's rediculous. She can't be expected to be the pray to another stupid game."

"This isn't a game."

"It feels like it! We all risk our lives but she's been sent through the ringer ever since we got her back. It's-"

"I'll do it." His eyes were wide slightly as he looked at me before his glare intensified.


"Yes. We're all expected to give everything we can to the cause. Erwins plan is the best way we can do this." He sighed but stopped objecting.

"They'll be likely to try and grab Y/n at any time. We need to be on guard but give her space. Y/n. Do you know any moment they're more likely to take you? A hole in your schedule or something?"

"I go to the town to visit dad, Sarah and Theda... but I do that with you. I obviously train alone though."

"Anything else?" I shrugged.

"Unless you mean when I'm in my office? I'm always there alone. That's it." I shrugged and Erwin nodded.

"We can't have them taking you from your office so.... for the time being you'll work with Levi in his office. They could take you at night also so..."

"I doubt they'd try. They share a room with the other guys so they'll probably end up waking them up."

"Yeah, the room is also...a mess. There's no way they'll get out without noise." Eren added and we all nodded

"Right. Our main set up will be when you're training alone. We'll set up shadows around the field. Though, since they're desperate they'll probably act tonight. So act normal but be sharp." Erwin stated and I nodded.

The meeting soon met it's conclusion. Levi was thrilled to be cooped up all day with me as he aided me in transferring my gigantic stack of files to his office.

"Hey, corporal Y/n! What're you doing?" Reiner questioned and I let myself smile, the way i always try to.

"The corporal and I are comparing notes on training. We're getting ready for our next possible expedition! Wish I was with Hanji though." I mused whilst internally screaming. Levi scoffed.

"The feelings mutual. You can be huge disorganised shits together." I placed a hand to my chest in mock hurt and Reiner smiled.

"Cool. I'll catch you around. If you need more help carrying anything, I'll be willing to help."

"Yeah, right, We'll call you. Cocky shit. Don't you have a drill?" Reiner nodded and saluted before jogging off.

He then turned to me, his angered expression going soft.

"I didn't think you'd be good at this pretending could've fooled me." I smiled and shifted the files in my arms a little.

"I thank having a sibling. You have to get good at lying if you don't want to be caught."

He freed his hand and gently opened the door.

"You can work at the small desk next to my bed." I nodded and dropped the papers down, he did the same.

"You didn't have to aggree, you know?" I rolled my eyes.

"Sure I did. They would end up either abducting me or killing me anyway-"

"I mean the waiting game. We could have just taken them out."

"Not without evidence. You know as well as I do that Eren is a good kid but nobody's going to believe a titan shifter unless there's proof of foul play."

"Why do you have to be right?"

"It's the way i roll." I joked with a playful wink before taking my seat and digging into the first pile.

Levi moved to his desk and soon the only noise in the room was pen scratching and occasional conversation.

"Do you want food or not?"


"It's time for lunch. want that Sasha kid to have yours?" I stood and made my way across the room. He shook his head in mild amusement before following me out of the door.

We grabbed our food and swiftly made it to our table. I took my regular seat opposite Erwin but Levi took the empty seat beside me.

The blond, bushy brow commander tried to hide his smile behind his mug.

"I see You're both getting closer."  I rolled my eyes.

"Unsurprising, since you practically order us to spend time together." Levi retorted taking a sip of his drink.

"And for good reason. You both work well together." Erwin replied placing his cup on the table.

"And you both have crushes on each other~" I choked and Levi's hand was quickly on my back soothing me as he glared at Hanji.

"What? It's true, isn't it?" I calmed down and looked straight at Erwin who just gave a shrug.

I want the earth to swallow me up whole.

We spent the rest of the day in an awkward silence at our seperate desks. Granted, Levi's not the nervous type, he's more pissed. I, on the other hand am utterly embarassed.

I glanced out if the window and sighed as I noticed soldiers sneaking out into the woods.

Everything's falling in to place. All they need is the bait. Me.

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