Chapter 12

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I sat in riots lap for a long time. I didn’t want to move, I had found myself okay with the idea of no food or water or sleep, I had given up, but at least now I didn’t have to suffer. Riot didn’t move most of the time, just letting me sit on her, or next to her, sometimes I would sit next to her and just hold her hand, My way of grabbing onto the only person (or demon) that would protect me. And believe me I needed the protection.

            "Tor" Riot said after what felt like a year of silence (though it may have only been maybe a day) I turn my body, slightly contorting myself to look at her.

            "Yes?" I asked, hating how scratchy my voice was.

            "Get up" Her words were a simple command and I followed though I didn’t understand why. Maybe I was being too clingy? Maybe I was still heavy and my weight was making her legs fall asleep. I didn’t know but imp sure she would tell me if I just moved and listened to her.

            Once seated on the floor next to her I looked into the calming red eyes and smiled. "why?"

            "Because it was fucking annoying."

            I don’t know if you've ever felt time stop, but I have, right there. Riots words hurt, and hurt deep. Maybe she was right, but it still hurt, She was my savior and I wanted to do nothing but spend all my time with her, looking up to her, and being just around her.            

            "I-I…. Umm… I- Sorry" I stumbled over my words, nothing really making any sense, She had saved me, why was she just pushing me away now.

            "Don’t fucking say sorry, I'm tired okay?" She snapped, I looked down, not really wanting to say anything more.

            I thought back to when I was with Riot in hell and her telling me about how weird it was to sleep, that I could only sleep if the other person with me.  yet here she was, and making me leave so she could sleep.

            "Riot…." I whispered, waiting for her to snap at me again.

            "What." to my luck she didn’t snap but her tone was less then sweet.

            "You said I could only sleep with you… like after I died… can… can I sleep?" I looked up at her, hoping that she would say yes, but a painful feeling in my gut told me her answer would be as cold as her eyes.

            "No." She spat, her tone falling into a cruel grown like Ashley's and Jacks. 

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