Chapter 1 the in-between

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"well here I am in this bloody crib again" Harry thought as Lily tells Harry "momma loves you. dadda loves you. you are so loved Harry." then door gets blown down yadda yadda yadda. Lily dies yadda yadda yadda. Moldyshorts gets disintegrated bla bla bla. You should know how it goes so.


"Get up boy and start on breakfast" "Yes Aunt Petunia" Harry said obviously annoyed "well after today I'll be able to get out of here to get food" Harry thought as he planned to call the Hallows to him that night when everyone was asleep. Well at least when he thought everyone was asleep. So Harry gets out makes breakfast gets his breakfast if you could even call the single piece of toast breakfast then goes "make his keep" as Vernon calls it. That night when Harry is pretty sure everyone is asleep he does it. "I call the Hallows to me, so mote it be." Harry said with confidence and as Death said They came to him leaving copies where the orginally were so Dumbles was none the wiser. So with Harry's new found "key" he got out of the cupboard and made a real meal, mind talked to Death a bit, then went to sleep.


With Harry's ability to get out of his cellboard, what Harry calls his cupboard, He got some meat on him and life went a little easier for Harry, but today was Dudley's birthday the one where Harry set the snake on him and his friends. So the morning of it more or less so like it originally did same with the events before the reptile house but its here where Harry changes events he immediately went to the Boa Constricter and when Dudley and his friends came and pushed Harry out of the way instead of disappearing the glass he says this in Parsletounge "Hey Big D I'm right here you fat oaf" Dudley not a parslemouth himself paled and fainted on sight as the others just shivered in fear. So once Dudley woke up they went home and Harry got chewed out by Vernon but instead of being afraid Harry laughed at the man and said "I know I'm a wizard Vernon and there's no way to stamp it out of me so why don't you give up before things get ugly." Harry's emerald eyes glowing at the end scaring Vernon so much he wet himself but ignored it and threw Harry in the cupboard and went to the kitchen. "Imbeciles" Harry laughed to himself as he unlocked the cupboard door and walked out "You know Vernon that wasn't smart throwing me in my cellboard like that you could've broke one of my bones and I don't think we want that now do we Vernon." Just then the mail slot opens and closes so Harry goes gets it gives the Durselys their mail while Harry opened his "Ah my Hogwarts letter" Harry said "Now where is that Phoenix" Harry muttered to where only he could hear. A few seconds later a bright flash emits throughout the room "Ah there it is." Harry thought to himself "Well I must be off I got shopping to do. Goodbye Durmentors." with that Harry left Durzkaban in a flash of light straight into Gringotts.

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