Chapter 9 Christmas Pt. 1

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Its a few weeks before Christmas and snow is on the ground and the sign up sheet is going around and Harry waits to see if Tonks signs up before signing up. She doesn't so Harry doesn't either. "Dora you do realize I didn't sign up because I'm going to want to spend Christmas with you right" Harry thought "Oh I know now you get to meet my parents" Tonks thought and upon hearing that Harry paled to which Tonks mentally laughed at that "Oh come on Harry my dad isn't that bad" She thought "Its not him I'm worried about its your mum I'm worried about" He thought to which Tonks laughed out loud at getting looked at weirdly to which Harry got angry at only to be calmed down by Tonks thinking "Oh don't worry about them they know how I laugh out loud at seemingly nothing" "I still dont like it" Harry thought
The few weeks went by and it was time to get on the train, so Harry and Tonks walked to the station got in a compartment together and cuddle together for the entirety of the trip with the others knowing just to leave them alone as they may not answer and when they got to the station Harry and Tonks saw Ted, Andromeda, and Sirius standing there and they walked to them hand in hand "Wow Harry you really must be a good lookin to the girls to have a girlfriend already but Im wondering why you chose my cousin?" Sirius asked "We'll explain when we get home" Harry answered and so they went home "Ok how we got together was because we're soulmates and by that I mean Soulbonded soulmates" Harry explained "Sweet Mary Mother of Morgana that's very rare to happen Harry" Sirius said "Well its probably rarer for 2 metamorphaguses in the same country" Tonks said for them to both metamorph into eachother. The adults were shell shocked "What?" Harry and Tonks asked in unison. Sirius fainted from shock. "Isn't Harry a bit young Nymphodora darling?" Andromeda asked "oh shit" Harry thought "First off dont call me Nymphodora second off Harry is technically emancipated because of his Lordships so technically he's of age" Sirius woke back up "Wait Lordships as in plural?" Sirius asked "Yes I'm Lord Hadrian James Potter Evans Peverell Hogwarts Le Fay Ermys Death. Ermys and Le Fay by magic and Death by being Master of the Deathly Hallows as Death offered me a chance to get out of Dumbles manipulations" The adults were gobsmacked "So technically Im 28 if you count mental age" Harry followed with. The adults were still gobsmacked. Christmas morning Harry and Tonks woke up in each other's arms since Ted and Andy, as she likes to be called, let them knowing Harry wouldn't have sex with least thats what they think they had safe sex last night with silencing and locking charms on the room. Harry woke up "Happy Christmas Dora" Harry said to Tonks waking her up with a kiss "Happy Christmas Harry" Tonks said to Harry kissing him. They kissed for a while before Harry pulled back and said "As much as I'd love to stay here and kiss you we gotta get up before your parents come in" "Yeah but what about Sirius?" Tonks asked sexily "Dora honey Sirius would be rooting us on after the shock of seeing us kissing" Harry said "Or stand here and watch you not wanting to interrupt" Sirius said startling them "Surely you cant be serious that you just stood there" Harry said "I am Sirius and dont call me Shirly" Sirius joked "Bloody hell" Harry muttered "Ok you now get down here and sit down in the living room if you don't want to get pranked" Sirius said and with that they scrambled to get dressed after Sirius left as they were still naked and Harry, being a cheeky bugger, grabbed onto Tonks and apparated downstairs to the living room just beating Ted and Andy "Damnit" Ted and Andy said together  "Well looks like mum and dad are getting pranked Harry said unconsciously catching everyone off gaurd "What?" Harry asked not realizing what he said. Andy ran over to him crying with Sirius being teary-eyed next to Ted "What did I do?" He thought to Tonks "Oh you just called my parent's mum and dad" Tonks explained "Well they essentially are since they're your parents and we're soulmates so it makes since to call them mum and dad" Harry said out. This statement got Andy crying harder and Sirius and Ted to break and cry with Andy all of them hugging Harry. That's when they heard a knock on the door, so Tonks being the only one not crying went and got it and fainted at who was at the door.


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