Chapter 5 First Day of Classes

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When Harry woke up that morning he saw it was 30 minutes before breakfast so he showered, brushed teeth, and got dressed with 10 minutes left so he went on there and got there right as breakfast began "wow not even Granger could time it perfectly" he thought whilst walking in the Great Hall seeing only Dumbles and Professor Sprout in there "They must've come here early. Sprout cause she doesn't believe in students eating alone probably and Dumbles because its me. Wait how'd he know I'd be here early? I'm getting a bad feeling bout this" he thought whilst locking his occlumency down tight "Ah Harry my boy I didn't expect you here this early" "yeah right" Harry thought "Well seeing as your the only one in here right now why don't you sit up here with us for now?" "Well Headmaster while i appreciate the offer I'll just sit at my own table and I don't believe I gave you permission to use my first name Headmaster so if you could call me Mr. Potter like all the other professors that'd be appreciated" Harry said with a blank face thanks to his occlumency "That's no way to speak to the Headmaster Mr. Potter" McGonagall said from behind him showing up in the last couple seconds probably "Sorry Professor but he called me by my first name without my permission and according to the Hogwarts Charter the Professors and Headmaster must call their students by their last name unless given permission to use their first and as he is the Headmaster one would think that he would know such a thing" Harry said not even bothering to look at McGonagall "Potter you insolent brat when speaking to a professor you look at them, or do you think you're to good for that" Snape said showing up a few seconds ago. Harry looked at Snape dead in the eye and said "Im sorry Professor but I was being told off for correcting the Headmaster on something he should know and I really cant look at someone when they're telling me off for something I shouldn't have to worry about" Snape upon seeing the eyes paled slightly but not noticeably. Just then Tonks came in to the Great Hall and sat down not really paying attention to what was going. When Harry saw her he said "Now if you'll excuse me i shall eat my breakfast. Have a good day" "except you Dumbles" Harry thought. Harry went over to where Tonks was and sat down "Hey" Harry greeted her "Oh Hey Harry. What exactly was going on there?" Tonks asked "Oh the Headmaster called me by my first name without permission then I get told off for correcting him to then get told off for not looking at McGonagall while speaking to her when she was falsely telling me off and I dont look at people who tell me off for making sure the Headmaster follows the school Charter" Harry explained "Oh well umm good job not losing your temper against Snape" She said "Well I would have if it wasn't for my occlumency" "You know occlumency" Tonks asked excitedly "Well its naturally there i just studied it to strengthen my natural shields" he explained "Ah ok" she said understanding it "course its rather easy to learn if you find the right books" Harry said "really?" "yeah I can lend them to you if you want" Harry said "yeah I'd like that" Tonks said "ok" gets them out and makes copies of them and gives them to her "Woah that was very advanced" Tonks said amazed "oh I just remember my mum doing it when i was 1 year and a day old i believe" Harry half lied as she did do it but thats not how he knows it "How do you remember that?" Tonks asked "Oh I have a eidetic memory meaning I remember EVERYTHING even smells, sounds, and flavors" Harry explained like it was nothing "Wow" was all Tonks had to say to that "Yeah its rather useful especially as I remember when they put the fedelius charm around the house and made Pettigrew the secret keeper" Harry said "Wait Black wasn't the secret keeper?" Susan asked neither knowing when she got there "Yeah. Susan right?" Harry asked "Yeah, but if you send my aunt a owl saying that she'll be able to get him out as he's your godfather right?" Susan asked "Yep course you wouldn't mind me using your owl for it as I have a feeling the Headmaster would look through what i send as well its me and I think he has a unhealthy obsession over me" Harry asked "Of course you can" Susan said "Thank you Susan" Harry said finishing his breakfast and pulled out a piece of paper and pen and wrote the letter and saw Hedwig and 2 other owls flying to them. Hedwig dropping off a letter from Gringotts and the other 2 landing infront of Tonks and Susan. Harry attached the letter and Susan sent it to her aunt. Harry deciding Susan was trustworthy decided to tell them both about his Lordships and then Tonks picking up on it said "Wait that means your technically of age and can do magic outside school?" "Yep" Harry confirmed "So if your the Heir to the Founders doesn't that mean-" "That I own Hogwarts yes but that's not supposed to be common knowledge not even my Lordships are common knowledge so please dont say anything to anyone" Harry asked "you have my word" Tonks and Susan said at the same time "Ok thank you. Oh Susan we should go now for potions as it takes 10 minutes from our common room to here and its 5 minutes to potions class and its 20 minutes til class starts meaning if we leave now we have 5 minutes before class" Harry said. Susan looked at Harry's watch and saw he was correct and they both got up and went to the dungeons and as Harry said there was 5 minutes til the beginning of class. 5 minutes passed and the door opened and they all went in and sat down and Snape did his speech then went "Potter what would I get if I added powdered root of asphodell and a infusion of wormwood" "well there is 3 answers there. 1 answer is a sticking mess another answer is the Draught of Living Death and the final answer would be the sentence 'I greatly regret Lily's death'" Harry answered. Snape shocked but not done asked "Where would you look if I asked for a bezoar" "Either a potion cabinet, a medical box, or the stomach of a goat" Harry answered. Snape having one last question to ask asked "What is the difference between monkshood and wolfsbane" "No difference same plant also going by aconite and is a key ingredient in the Wolfsbane potion" Harry answered. Snape obviously impressed but not wanting to believe he knew the answer said "Headmaster's office now" and they went there. When they got in the office Snape said "Headmaster he used legilemency on me" Harry not having it said "First off I didn't. Second why were you asking NEWT level questions?" "Severus is this true?" Dumbledore asked thinking "yes Severus is following the directions I gave him last night" "Yes Headmaster" Snape said "Then I dont see where this is a problem as I dont even think Mr. Potter even knows what it is let alone know how to do it" Dumbledore said trying to play the good guy "Of course Headmaster" Snape said acting down trodden "Now if there is nothing else?" "No Headmaster" Snape answered "Then you may leave Mr. Potter" Dumbledore said. With that Harry left and went to his next class as by the time he got back to potions itd be time to go to the next one. There were no problems the rest of the day

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