Chapter 7 All Hallows Eve (Halloween)

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"Dora" Harry thought to Tonks "Yes Harry" Tonks thought back "Tonight a troll will get in and its gonna end up in the girls bathroom with Granger in it and I'm not sure if I should just not go or go and kill the troll just because its expected of me" Harry thought "Harry kill the troll if not for Granger for me" Tonks thought "Well when you put it that way it tempts me to use a time turner and come into the Hall metamorphed and tell everyone to stay in there and take care of the troll that way" Harry thought "Wait you have a Time Turner?" Tonks thought "Officially no" Harry thought "Of course" Tonks thought. As soon as Tonks thought that Quirelldemort came in did his scene and fainted and they left and Harry broke off and metamorphed then turned back time and waited then went up a little and when he saw them he said "turn aroumd and go back to the Great Hall I dont know what the Headmaster was thinking sending you all to the Common Rooms" "Who are you?" someone asked "Adam Hogwarts now go back to the Great Hall" and they did and Harry went and killed the troll beheading it and coming into the Hall with it in his hand and said to the Professors there "Threat neutralized. Your Welcome" when the Heads and Dumbles came in Dumbles asked "Who are you?" to which Harry replied "Adam Hogwarts the Heir to the Founders, The Owner of Hogwarts, and the one who wants a meeting in your office right now" and with that Harry grabbed Dumbles arm and apparated to the Headmaster's office leaving a shocked Hall "Now do you want to explain why a troll broke through the wards and why you sent the students to their Common Rooms to possibly run into the troll and die?" Harry asked "Well I thought they'd be safe in there Common Rooms." Dumbledore tried to use as a excuse "Slytherin AND Hufflepuff's Common Rooms are in the dungeons!" Harry yelled "The troll wouldn't be smart enough to make it to either Common Room" Dumbledore said "Well apparently it's smart enough to make it to the second floor girls bathroom then but not 2 rooms on the same floor" Harry said over it "Adam-" "Its Lord Hogwarts to you Dumbledore" Harry interrupted "Lord Hogwarts what are you suggesting by saying that?" Dumbledore asked "That its a inside job and I will question every teacher here under veritaserum" Harry said determined "Now Lord Hogwarts thats harsh and you need consent from them if you're to question them under veritaserum" Dumbledore said "I own the school and if they refuse they're put on probation as at this school my word is law" Harry said. Dumbledore knowing he was defeated sighed and said "Alright Lord Hogwarts you can question them in the morning" "Oh it doesn't matter if I had your permission I was going to anyway now I shall be going to the Great Hall" Harry said and apparated back the Hall. "Alright students I know you have questions but here's the gist of it. Someone let a troll in and it'd have to be a teacher or staff so with that classes tomorrow are canceled so I can question all the staff under veritaserum and before anyone argues with it as this is my school I have the right to do so without the staff's permission and if they still refuse they will be put on probation until I question them and since this is my school my word is law, so good night you may head to your dorms and enjoy your night off" Harry finished and everyone got up and left. Harry walked to the Founders quarters and went to his natural form and thought to Tonks "Pack your stuff me and you are moving into the founders quarters along with Susan, Draco, and Neville. I'll apparate to get you and apparate us into the founders quarters" "Ok Harry" Tonks thought to him and Harry apparated into his dorm packed Neville and Draco's stuff and moved it to the Founders quarters and Tonks did the same with Susan's and they met in a corner in the Common Room and apparated to the Founders quarters "Welcome to the Founders quarters" they talked when Neville asked "Won't they notice we're gone?" "No since the castle is projecting illusions of this and our stuff" Harry answered "Ok" was all Neville said and with that they went to sleep

AUTHOR NOTE: Harry told Neville and Draco about his Lordships in between the flying lesson and now

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