Chapter 13 Time to Deal with The Philosopher's Stone

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Harry felt a presence enter Hogwarts he wished he didn't 'Fuck me' he thought to which Tonks thought back 'Harry I think we're in a inappropriate setting for that' 'Not that Moldyshorts entered the wards' snorts 'and he's possessing Umbitch...should i kill her or not?' he thought 'No...not yet wait til your 3rd year' she thought back ' gonna meet the moldy toad down there' he thought to her 'Stay safe...what am i thinking i shouldn't say that i should say dont kill the pink toad' she thought back snarkily 'Ha good one' he thought apparating down there waiting for them. 10 minutes later they arrive "Ah so glad you could join me" he said "What are you doing here you insolent brat" Moldytoad asked "Ah well you see I'm here to stop you" Harry said arrogantly "Like you can stop me Potter. I'm a full fledge adult as in you are only a child" Moldytoad responded "Oh really? Can a child do this" he asked whilst expelling Voldemort from Umbitch and apparating her away before she can ask questions "Now run along Tommy boy" he said expelling Voldemort from Hogwarts grounds morphing into Adam Hogwarts and gets the stone and sends it to the Flamels with a note knowing that Dumb-as-a-door tricked them and apparates into his office "Explain to me why Tom Riddle was on MY grounds?!?" he asked not caring that Snape was right there "What do you mean Adam-" "Lord Hogwarts" Harry interrupting him "Yes, Lord Hogwarts that a Tom Riddle was on school grounds?" Dumbledore asked "Don't bullshit me Albus we both know Tom Riddle is Voldemort's real name now ANSWER THE QUESTION" Harry said getting angry "Im going to go Headmaster as this seems more important" Snape said leaving "I have no idea what you mean Lord Hogwarts" Dumbledore said lying "Fine...but if it happens again you can kiss your Headmaster title goodbye and you CERTAINLY wont get a portrait" Harry said overlooking the obvious lie "Yes Lord Hogwarts" Dumbledore said downtrodden and with that Harry left going back to Tonks and sits down next to her "Hey" Harry said in his regular form "Hey to you too" Tonks said to him "Well...I was angry but being near you calmed me" Harry said snuggling into her "Oh really?" she asked when Draco walked sitting next to them wolf whistling "Shut it" Harry said to him "What?...Its not like y'all were fixing to kiss" Susan said sitting in the chair next to them " really wasn't like y'all were fixing to kiss" Neville said sitting in the other chair next to them "Really? Entire story of them barely being mentioned and NOW the author wants to get them more involved?" Harry says breaking the fourth wall "Huh" they all ask "Nothing" he said brushing it off

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